~Chapter 47~

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I looked around trying to find something or someone by there was nothing only pure darkness. I looked at Zach as he sat on the ground, he was hurt and bad. Not only did I kill myself but also part of Zach. I was glad Jonah wasn't here or I don't know how I would have handled it knowing he was dead because of me.


"I'm right here" I said walking next to him.

"Nothing yet?"

"No...I don't know what to do and my magic its gone, I didn't know what to do"

"Don't worry, I know you'll find something"

"Zach I'm sorry, because of me you're here"

"Hey, don't say that. This is a minor set back but nothing too big"

"What about Kay? What about the rest of our friends?"

"I'm sure you can do something, you felt they needed help and sent help to them, so I'm sure you'll figure out something"

Truth is I'm scared, I'm scared of my self and those I love. Something deep within me is telling me the girl I let out is going to cause great damage and I won't be there to stop her, but why was she here in the first place? Come to think of it why would anyone be here? All I needed to do was get out of here where ever we were.


I looked around hearing my name being called. There was no one around only me and Zach in the darkness.


"Zach? Do you hear that?"

"Hear what?" He said looking at me confused.

"Nothing, never mind"

Someone was calling me but who. I looked around but didn't see anything until something caught my attention. I tilted my head to the side looking at it trying to figure out what it was. I walked towards the small blue light getting closer and closer until I stood in front of it.

"What is this?" I said reaching out to grab it but my hand went right through it.

I backed away as the light began to grow bigger and bigger until it took on a human figure, it was the figure of a woman. I looked closely seeing who she was as my tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Mom" She smiled looking at me.

"Katherine, my baby. Look at how much you've grown"

"Mom" I ran to her hugging her as she hugged me back.

"I've missed you so much mom. You don't know how much I've missed you"

"I know sweety but I know you're doing just fine without us by your side. It may be hard but I know you can do it"

"Mom I can't, ever since I found it who I really am all I've been doing is causing trouble after trouble"

"No baby, seeing how you've handled things is way better than I did when I first found out who I was...Katherine I want you to listen to me clearly okay?"

"Okay" Something was bothering her, I could tell by the way she looked at me.

"The girl you let out she's dangerous Katherine , she holds pure evil in her. I need you to save everyone"

"How? When my magic is gone, she took it all"

"That's what you think but you're wrong baby. You still have your magic but it's not the same as before"

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