~Chapter 38~

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I opened my eyes only to find myself in a dark room. I looked around hoping I could find someone or something, but there was nothing, just darkness.

"Hello, is anyone there...I don't know why I'm here"

"He did it"

I looked around trying to figure out who was talking.

"He means that much to you that he was able to turn your humanity switch back on"

"Who is that? Where are you"

"Behind you"

I turned around only to see myself in a mirror, it was my reflection. The same as the last time I was in Portland, before I had switched my humanity back on.

"Seems like our beloved Jonah was able to bring the old you back"

"Who...who are you?"

"I'm you, isn't it obvious"

It was obvious we looked the same, but we weren't the same, she had a dark aurora surrounding her. An aurora made for killing, and feeling hopeless.

"We're not the same" She laughed before looking at me.

"That's where you're wrong Katherine, we're exactly alike, me and you, we're the same. This is who you really are"

"No I'm not"

"If you go back now then everything you got will be lost, the revenge and hatred you have towards Anthony will disappear"

"I can assure the hatred I have for him will never leave me, but this isn't me, it never was"

"I'm not going to let you leave here as the person you were before. I'll make sure I'm the one who's going back"

"What makes you think I'm going to let you"

I looked at her as she smirked at me before murmuring something under her breath, I couldn't understans what she said but I soon felt it, Pain. I scremed hoping somone woul dhear me or help me as I felt the pain travel tyhroughout my body. Is this the pain that I've been letting everyone feel.

"All this pain, is the pain we have insdie us, don't you think it's time we let everyone feel what we feel and what we went through"

"No...Vi...Vibrando" I said looking at her.

I watched as she covered her ears trying to block the ringing noise in her head. I managaed to get up and looked at her, there has to be a way out of here.

"You'll...never leave...that I'll make sure...of"

She managed to block the spell and walked out of the mirror heading towards me, there has to be a way out of here, I can't let her win.

"Give in Katherine, let me take control"


Katherine you need to find a way out of here before it's to late. I looked aorund remembering what happened last time when I let her take control. I gave into all the hatred and anger I was feeling and now I have to make sure to block them. This isn't me, this isn't who  want to be.

"You'll never be me...I won't let you win this time"

"We'll see"


I watched as she fell on her knees screaming from the pain. I surrounded her with fire.

"I'll have to kill you in order for me to go back"

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