~Chapter 37~

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"You're back"

I walked in front of him making sure the cell door was locked.

"Let me guess your friends wanted to turn your humanity back on"

"They didn't succeed"

"Yeah it's obvious"

"Why" I asked looking at him.

"What? Are you asking why they couldn't turn your humanity back on?"

"Why did you kill Sophie"

His expression changed, somehow deep under his dead heart he felt something I could sense it. Sophie's name made him feel something.

"That was a long time ago"

"For you it may seem that way, but for me it felt as if it was yesterday. I may not feel anything right now but I can clearly remember what I felt that day"

He looked away avoiding my stare. I walked in front of him grabbing his chin and making him face me.

"You can speak to me willingly or I can make you and I can guarantee you it won't be pretty" I let go of him and walked back.

"Now tell me, why did you kill Sophie"

He took a deep breath before speaking, a breath that was obviously fake.

"The day Sophie came out to see me she knew something wasn't right, she always knew. I tried hiding it from her so she wouldn't be in danger but she ended up finding out once she came back home. I knew I had to keep her safe but I didn't know how, but that all changed when I found out she was pregnant. A human baby mixed with Vampire blood would be a dager to all of our kind, imagine what they would do to her if the elders found out she was pregnant with a Vampire baby, I couldn't let them know, which is why I had to do what I did" He was crying, why? He killed her, he took her away from me.

"You expect me to believe the words you just said"

"You have to"

"You killed her out of hunger, you killed her because some ordered you didn't they" He quickly shook his head making it obvious someone was behind all of this.

"Verdanio" I said looking at him. "Speak"

He hesitated trying not to fall for it, but resisting a witches spell is impossible.

"Xavier...it was all his plan, to eliminate everyone that would stop you from being his. He ordered me to kill Sophie, if it weren't for him she would have been here with me, by my side. He killed Nana as well, she knew everything and was a danger in his eyes. He's been planning this since the death of your mother. His dad is the reason why your mother and father are dead"

Somehow I felt something I shouldn't. I stepped back leaning against the wall trying to control my breathing.

"What did you say"

"Xavier's dad killed your mother and father, he's the reason why you're alone now"

"You knew! The day you walked in our lives you knew! You could have told us, you could have helped us!" I yelled at him as I walked towards him. "Pain"

I watched as he screamed in pain. All the pain he has in him is the pain they brought upon myself.

"Killing you would be too easy, you don't deserve to leave without pain. I'm going to make sure you feel the pain I went through"

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