☆Vernon Talks Elvis part 2☆

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Vernon presley interview 1978

Part 2

My love for my son began even before he was born on January 8, 1935. At that time there was almost nobody poorer than my wife Gladys and me. But we were thrilled and excited when we learned that we were going to be parents.

I was only 18 years old, but throughout Gladys pregnancy it never occurred to me that I wouldn't be able to take care of her and the baby.

Elvis's birth was long and difficult for my wife, and as her labour pains went on and on, I grew frantic.

My parents were at our house with us, along with two women, one a midwife, who told us when it was time to call the doctor. After what seemed to me an eternity, a baby boy was born -dead.

I was desolate at the loss of our child. But then my father put his hand on my wife's stomach and announced, Vernon, there's another baby here.

At the time Elvis was born, medicine hadn't advanced far enough for a doctor to predict twins, so his arrival took us completely by suprise. Our little boys looked something alike, but I don't think they were identical twins.

 Our little boys looked something alike, but I don't think they were identical twins

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Part 3 coming soon! Let me know what you think!! xoxo

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