🔫All Guns Poolside! part 2🔫

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Part 2...

Billy smith:

Well, off we went back to the toy store. Elvis also told us to get more bb guns so he wouldn't have to stop and reload.  You should have seen the way the salesman looked at me this time.
'What are you going to do with all these boats?' He asked.

'Oh, we're going to sink them with these bb guns,' I told him.

We took them home, again we put them all in the pool. The battle began, everybody was armed and we all took our places around the pool. We had a time limit in which we had to sink as many ships as we could.

We all had so much fun, Especially Elvis. This was a way for him to release tension. We were all like a bunch of kids having a game of war.

Part 3 coming soon!

Let me know what you think!! xoxo

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