In Memory of Chet Elderson

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After Dale nearly plugs Chet Elderson's sign, Marla came over and said, "Hank Hill, you're supposed to work at Strickland Propane."
Hank said, "I'm sorry, the original firefighters were sick and we are volunteers."
Marla said, "Oh, that's nice."
Chet said, "Hey, Marla."
Marla said, "Chet, I haven't seen you since I was 10 performing with my brothers."
Chet said, "I was once a volunteer fireman since 65 years."
Marla said, "Cool, I got my own peanut butter brownie from a friend of mine. I'll put it in the kitchen."
Chet said, "You see, I got my Alamo Beer sign, some guys told me not to."
Marla slapped Chet's hand and said, "Stop touching your own sign. You need to get some rest."

After Luanne grows her hair, Marla was making peanut butter brownie and Chet said, "Oh, my heart."
Marla said, "Chet. Chet, are you okay? Heck, boys, come here."
Heck Dorland said, "What's a matter with Chet?"
Marla said, "I don't know, he had a heart problem."

At the hospital, Marla said, "Chet, your family will be coming by to see you someday."
Chet said, "Yeah, I was thinking that you went every concerts at the time. But, but, I love you Marla."
Marla said, "Oh, god, Chet."
In this scene, Heck said, "I got bad news men, Chet Elderson died, natural causes."

At the funeral after Boomhauer pulls Chet's pants, Marla said, "You disgraced at Chet's family."
Hank said, "Dale did not hold the casket and Boomhauer pulls Chet's pants."
Fred said, "I'm serious for what you done at this time."
Hank said, "Mr. Quillan, Marla has known Chet since she was 10 years old performing her six big brothers."
Fred said, "Well, Chet's been working hard since 65 years and still searching, better than Lee Roy Parnell's lyrics of On the Road."
Marla said, "Boys, your lethal punishment will be made before urgency, understand?"
Hank said, "Okay, Marla, let's go boys."

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