#1 there's this girl-

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3 Oct | 2019 | 5:22 PM

F: Mills



M: what do u want

F: are you still on the set

M: yeah

M: why

F: come outside

F: parking lot

M: why

F: ugh

F: just come

F: you'll see

Millie's eyebrows knitted in confusion as she stared at the phone screen. Finn has never been this cryptic... What's gotten into him?

Besides... She wasn't that eager to leave the trailer. The cast was back on the set to shoot 4th season of "Stranger things" and she was quite tired after those challenging scenes she had today.

Okay, those scenes weren't that difficult, to be completely honest. She just had to scream and cry a lot.

The fact that Noah kept making her laugh between the takes wasn't helping at all.

It'd better be worth it, she thought, as she grabbed her jacket and the bag.

She shut the door of the trailer and walked down the stairs. Then she went across the field with cars and other trailers, toward the parking lot behind the main building. Turning around the corner, she noticed Finn who was leaning against the car.

And he had keys in his hand.


'Hi, Mills.'

'Hi...' she replied tentatively, her eyes flicking from him to the car and then back to him. 'What-'

'I promised you a ride after I get myself a car.' he said triumphantly with a proud look on his face.

'Oh my God, is it yours?!' she exclaimed with a gasp. 'Why didn't you tell me before?'

'I wanted it to be a surprise.' he grinned.

'You should've told me, I didn't bring my helmet today.'

'Ha, ha, ha. Very funny, Brown.' he said, rolling his eyes, although his lips twitched as if he was fighting off a smile. 'You can text Paige that you've got a ride home.' he added, opening the door for her.

'What a gentleman.' she smiled at him, sliding into the passenger seat. She got comfortable, watching as Finn went around the car to his side and then got inside.

'Okay, buckle up.' he said, buckling his own seat belt and waiting for her to do the same. He started the engine and put his hands on the steering wheel.

Then they left the parking lot and drove out onto the street.

'Where to, miss?'  

'To my house, duh.'

Guess his Jack's Dawson impression wasn't that convincing.

'Eh, you're no fun.'

'Oh, yeah? So what is the definition of "fun" to you?' she asked.

He only shrugged in response. It looked like she was thinking about something, though. A little while later her face lit up with an idea.

'I know what we should do!' she exclaimed. 'Carpool karaoke!'

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