23. slow dancing

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when do you want me to pick you up?

around 6 would be fine
thanks again for going with me 😁

don't worry about it!
i'm honestly surprised you didn't choose tyler to go with lol

i take tyler to too many movie premieres as my date
i need to switch things up
plus you're my other best friend, and i need to give you more attention

you give me plenty of attention, so don't feel like you need to even put your time between us lol

yeah i know but i want to show you i care about you just as much as i care about tyler

trust me, i know you do

good 💗💗
see ya later??

see ya !

i swayed along to the loud song blaring in my ears, sipping slowly on my glass of water. joe, who was stood beside me, leaned back against the bar and took another swig of his beer.  i flicked my eyes over his black suit jacket, admiring how handsome he looked.

"what?" he giggled when i rolled my eyes up to meet his.

"just checking you out," i laughed in response. "you look really good tonight.

"why, thank you," he set down his beer and mock-bowed for me. "you look beautiful in that dress. not that you don't always look beautiful, but, ya know what i mean."

"yeah, i do," i took one last sip of my drink and set it down beside his.

the song switched to a much slower one, and my swaying ceased. as the guitar riff grew louder because of the songs intro speeding up, joe jumped excitedly and looked at me.

"you love this song!"

before i knew what was happening, joe tugged me by my wrist and pulled us out onto the dance floor. because of his forceful pull, i banged into his chest when he suddenly stopped. i giggled and he grinned down at me, situating his hands on my back.

i played with the collar of his shirt as we swayed side to side. eventually, i became comfortable enough to wrap my arms around his neck and lean my head against his chest.

the song, sadly, faded out after awhile, but joe and i continued to sway to the next one. it wasn't as slow as the previous song, in fact, it was pretty fast. but neither of us cared.

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