26. party hats and plane tickets

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"tyler, i seriously don't understand why you won't let me eat anything else. i'm starving and it's my goddamn birthday, for christ's sake!"

tyler pulled harshly on my arm, attempting to pull me out of my chair. "donna, please, just stand up. i wanna go home."

"why? i'm not- tyler!"

he had pulled so harshly on my and that i was tugged out of my seat and onto the floor. i glared up at him as i cupped my throbbing elbow.

"there better be a good ass present at home for me if you're gonna be such a dick about leaving."

tyler, who was bent over laughing at the sight of me on the floor, regained himself and nodded. "trust me, it's a great gift."

"good." i rolled my eyes and stood up, ignoring his outstretched hand. i brushed the dust off my jean skirt and left him to follow me out of the restaurant.

tyler jogged to reach the car before, so that he could open my door. i waved him off, now only pretending to be pissed off at him.

he huffed, rolled his eyes, and shut the door behind me. i buckled my seat belt and turned up the radio as he started the car.

i turned myself away from him and stared out the window as he drove us back to his apartment.

we reached the building within minutes and i stepped out of the car without his assistance. tyler caught up beside me and he unlocked the building doors to allow us in.

his apartment was on the second floor, so we used the stairs to reach his door. he unlocked it, too, and stepped in before me.

it was pitch black, but it didn't feel like we were completely alone. i soon realized, when tyler stepped side to flick on the lights, that there was a crowd of people there.

my mom, dad, brother, joe, and katie popped up from numerous places behind in the room, tossing confetti and yelling, "surprise!"

i flinched in fright at the sudden noise, but when my families faces clicked in my mind, my eyes welled up with tears and i grinned.

"mom!" i strode across the room and tossed my arms around her shoulders.

she laughed and squeezed me around my torso, "happy birthday, sweetheart!"

i pulled away and wiped away a few tears before turning towards my dad. "hi, daddy."

he wrapped me up in a tight hug, and repeated the same phrase that my mom had said. finally, i faced my little brother, dylan.

"hey, loser," i ruffled his black hair and he slapped away my hand.

"how's it going, weirdo?"

i hugged him, rocking us side to side so that we dipped down low. he laughed and pushed me off of him.

"i can't believe you guys are here," i gushed, continuously wiping away the tears streaming down my face.

dylan and my parents still lived in new york, where i had grown up, and i rarely got to see them. i hadn't been home since christmas of 2014, so it was a huge relief to finally see them.

my mom, who was also crying, squeezed my shoulder with her hand, "were glad to be here, sweetie. i'm glad tyler reached out and invited us."

"i am, too," i turned slightly to smile at tyler, who was watching our exchange.

tyler gave me a thumbs up before stepping forward and saying, "who wants pizza?"

dylan rose his hand quickly and followed tyler into the kitchen where a pile of pizza boxes sat. my parents kissed me on the cheeks and also went into the kitchen.

i watched my brother messing around with tyler for a moment before someone tapped me on the shoulder. i spun around to face joe and katie, who were sporting party hats and empty confetti containers.

i grinned widely and hugged katie, speaking to her for a moment until she excused herself to grab some pizza. i noticed her eyes flick between joe and i, and a knowing smile cross her face as she left.

i furrowed my eyebrows, but didn't focus on the move for too long, as joe was reaching out to hug me. i laughed and hugged him back, taking in his warm scent.

"happy birthday, nerd." he pulled back and grabbed something from the couch behind him as i replied.

"thank you, joey."

joe set a party hat on top of my head and stretched the string down around my chin. i giggled as his fingers tickled my neck and pushed him back as he tried to tickle me more.

"that's no way to treat the birthday queen."

"you're right, your majesty, my deepest apologies." he spoke in a posh british accent and swept into a bow.

"you guys are hella weird." tyler looked at us in disgust as he passed.

i blushed, looking to my feet as katie agreed. joe stuffed his hands in his back pockets and a beat of awkward silence passed between us.

"oh, hey, i got you something."

i followed him into the open living room and sat beside him on the couch as he rummaged through his coat pocket.

"you didn't have to, joe, seriously. i didn't even get you anything when it was your birthday-"

"because you were out of town doing publicity interviews. don't worry about it." he cut me off, setting a hand on my knee.

we held eye contact for a split second before he dryly coughed and flinched his hand away.

"w-well, anyways," he handed me an envelope, his hand shaking slightly. "it's not much, but i didn't want to go big on your birthday, considering christmas is in a month, but-"

"joe," it was my turn to set a reassuring hand on his, a flushed smile on my face. "whatever it is, it's perfect."

he nodded and motioned for me to open it. i tore off the envelope, ripping it a little more than need be due to my klutzy composure. 

i opened up the funny birthday card and a plane ticket fell out. the destination was my home town and the departure time was the day before thanksgiving.

tears welled up in my eyes again at the kind gesture and i set it down to throw my arms around joes neck. he laughed and squeezed me tightly in his arms.

"i just know that you haven't been home in forever because you haven't had the money to do so, so i thought maybe you'd just want to be able to go home and spend thanksgiving with your family." joe rambled on.

"it's the best present anyone's ever given me, joe." i leaned back and planted a kiss on his cheek as i pulled away.

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