Save my daughter

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Hope's P.O.V.

"Mom?" My nine year old daughter asks. I get up from my throne after my talk and grab my trident. 

"Honey, we are going to go somewhere. Peniria I hear by announce you as the the temporary queen of Ondaria. Queen Seraphina has called me for help, send a signal to all the other allies. Delaina, honey. We need to leave now."

"Alright. Where are we going?" Delaina asks.

"We are heading to Sindria. That is Queen Seraphina is going. You know, the woman where she and her sister looked like angels. Sindria is where they live now." I tell her. I grab her and point my trident down to the floor and move it into a circle. I see Seraphina eating dinner with a group of people and instantly know that is where I am headed. I then jump into the circle and land behind Seraphina.

Hinahoho's P.O.V.

As everybody is eating, I look up to see someone jump into the room and behind Seraphina. Like everybody else I stand up quickly and ready my harpoon.

"Hope, thank you for coming so quickly." Seraphina says as she stands up. We put our weapons down but stay standing. All of a sudden, Hope stands up and puts a girl down. 

"Oh my god. She is a tall girl. She is almost as tall as Hinahoho." I hear Ja'far say quietly. We all nod and the little girl says, "Hi Queen Seraphina."

"Hi Delaina. You have gotten very tall. The last time I say you, you were just a newborn. Now you are all the way up to my shoulder." Seraphina says earning a giggle from the little girl. I hear Yamuraiha quietly say, "Awe! She is adorable."

"Why did you call me and need me hear so quickly." Hope asks. Just before Seraphina could say anything, Aladdin comes running in with tears streaming down his face.

"Mom. It's Dunya." Aladdin says crying softly. Hope then looks at Seraphina and asks, "Dunya?"

"She is dying." Seraphina says with a cracked voice. 

"Delaina, stay here. Seraphina, you know what to do?" Aladdin takes off running with Seraphina hot on her heels. We all look back at Hope and see her looking around. 

"Is the a way to an open area outside?" We all point to the open door that Seraphina and Aladdin went threw. 

"Is there a faster way out?" Ja'far then points to the open balcony. Hope walk up to me and hold out her trident to me. 

"Hold this, please." She asks. I grab the trident and notice that is a little heavier than my harpoon. Hope then walks run and jumps over the balcony and to the ground. We run over to the balcony, only to see Seraphina fly down to where Hope is with a lifeless Dunya. 

"What is your mother planning to do, Delaina?" I ask softly. Delaina puts her arms up as if to say she wants held to see. I pick her up and put her on my hip. Delaina then rests her head on my shoulder and says, "Mom is planning on bringing back Dunya."

"How is she going to do that?" Yamuraiha asks shocked.

"Mom has the ability push ones soul and spirit back into their body and heal them fully. It's part of who she is. She had first leaned of her power when she brought my great great grandmother back to life, who didn't want to die. After that her father, my grandpa, told her about her ability and that I was the powers of the Queen of Ondaria and the ruler of the Almighty Seas. Not only does she have this power, but she is a household member of Seraphina. Mom also has the power to control every creature in the ocean, that is what the ruler of the Almighty Seas does."

"How did she get the power of the Almighty Seas?" I Yamuraiha asks.

"Mom was the child of a man that lived on land and a woman who lived in the Sea, as the Queen. They fell in love and had my mother. As mom grew up she got stronger with the help of someone who also lived in the sea. By the time mom had hit the age of 19, royal members of the sea kept coming and trying to convince her that she needed to become Queen. Reason for that was because, mom's younger sister was planning on destroying the land once she became Queen. Mom finally left to become Queen when her younger sister almost killed mom's dad. But of course, the previous trident that mom had broke during battle to gain the throne against he sister. She was sent to the trenches to die  for being the daughter of a man who lived on land. There she found the previous king who had the trident of the Almighty Seas dead, underwater with a dangerous creature protecting it. The creature put mom to a test to see why she wanted to trident. Mom had said, "I'm nobody important. I'm not worthy of being a Queen. I was forced into this to protect the ones I love." Mom was then deemed worthy by the creature and stopped the battle that was waging at the bottom of the sea and became Queen. She then met my dad and after mom told him she was pregnant, he threw himself into the trenches and died. It has always been my mom and I for as long as I can remember."

"Your father killed himself?" Sharrkan asked.

"Ya. Mom then met Seraphina and they formed an alliance, then they alliance formed over time. Mom has found it hard to trust people because of my father. Now, watch what mom can do."

We all look back at Hope and Seraphina. Seraphina was on her knees holding Dunya's hand with tears streaming down her face. Hope then lifted her hands and started to chant something in another language. A bright light appears and then goes away. We all lean closer, only to see Dunya's body go back to its original color and then shoot up, gasping for air. We all jump down and land behind Hope. I walk up to Hope and I hand her Delaina back. Hope looks at me and I can see the pain and sadness in her eyes, Hope then smile at me and I hand her trident back to her . 

"Thank you...?"

"Hinahoho and your welcome." I say to Hope and smile. She blushes and looks down.

We all look at Seraphina and Dunya.

"Mom? I-I was going to meet you at the border but then I met Ithnan. He said that he was going to help me rebuild my country. He lied to me and stabbed me." Dunya says, crying.

"Oh, sweetheart. You are still young. You wanted your home and family back. It's not your fault." Seraphina says softly. She then brings Dunya into a hun and Dunya wraps her arms around Seraphina's waist and cries harder

"But, you want to know something?" Seraphina asks, wiping away Dunya's tears.


"Having you in my arms is the only thing I could ever ask for right now. I missed you so much. and i love you."

"I missed you and i love you too, mom." Dunya says. Seraphina and Dunya then stand up and Seraphina tells Dunya that Aladdin and Morgiana are her siblings. Dunya smiles and then looks at Hope.

"Thank you Hope. Am I back to normal?" Dunya asks with hope in her voice.

"Your welcome. And yes you are back to full health. You will live a long and happy life."

Dunya smiles and hugs Seraphina tightly.

Hope then coughs and says, "So are you going to introduce me to your comrades, Seraphina?"

We all laugh and Seraphina lets go of Dunya and walks over to Sinbad. 

"Well, that is Hinahoho, you can call him Hina for short. Then there is Yamuraiha, Pisti, Spartos, Sharrkan, Ezmerelda, Masrur, Drakon, Ja'far, Aladdin, Alibaba, Morgiana, and then this hear is my fiance, King Sinbad." Seraphina says.

"Your engages?! Haha! It's about time you finally got yourself a man." Hope says happily with a bright gleam in her eyes. Seraphina then adds, "Sharrkan and Ezmerelda are also engaged."

"Oh yay! I am so happy for you two!" 

We then all go into the palace to get some sleep. I walk Hope and Delaina to their room.

"Well, here is your room. If you need anything I am just across the hallway."

"Thank you, Hinahoho."

"Your welcome, Hope. Have a good night, both of you."

"We will and we both hope you have a good night too. Night."


Hope you like the chapter.

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