Announcement and wait what

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Hope's P.O.V.

Before Ezmerelda had her babies, I had her see if I was pregnant and I was. Right now I am talking with Kikiriku and Delaina, telling them about it.

"So, what did you need to talk to us about, mom?" Kikiriku asks

"I have a surprise for you two, and I need your help telling your father. The surprise is that I am pregnant like Seraphina and like Ezmerelda was."

"We'll be getting a baby brother or sister?" Delaina asks excited. I nod and they both hug me tightly.

"How should I tell Hina." I ask. The two put on their thinking faces and Delaina says, "You have a clear shirt?"

I nod and Kikiriku says, "We could right a little something and when dad comes in, he will read it. That would be a nice announcement to make."

Delaina nods and runs over to mine and Hina's closet before pulling out a white shirt. Kikiriku runs and grabs some markers. I sit down next to them and write on my shirt. After three minutes, they get done and see nicely written hand writing saying 'Roses are red, Violets are blue. Inside of me, beats two hearts for you. -Mommy to be for new family member.' I smile and the kids turn around and I take off my shirt and put the other one on. 

"Now we wait for dad to come in for bed tonight." Delaina says. Kikiriku and I nod. Nighttime hits and the door nob starts to jiggle. I stand up and fix my shirt a little, and Delaina and Kikiriku stand on the opposite sides of me. Hina comes in and laughs confused, "What's going on?" He asks.

Kikiriku and Delaina look at my shirt making Hina also look at my shirt. I keep my eyes on Hina to see his reaction. After Hina reads what my shirt says a second time, he drops to his knees and hugs me, placing his head on my stomach. I smile happily and place one of my hands on his head and the other on his shoulder and rub. Kikiriku and Delaina giggle and also hug us. Hina stands up and places his hands on the sides of my waist and asks, "How long have you known?"

"I figured out this morning. Kikiriku and Delaina made the quote." I say. Hina laughs and gently kisses me while placing one of his large hands on my stomach. Hina and I get ready for bed while Kikiriku and Delaina fall asleep in the other room. I lay down and Hina joins me, he kisses my stomach and then kisses my lips. I lay on my side and Hina pulls me into his chest before resting his hand on my stomach. Before we fall asleep Hina whispers, "I love you Hope."

"I love you too Hina." I say an we both fall into a deep sleep.


Rain's P.O.V.

I get out of bed and start to get dressed, thinking of ways to tell Drakon that i'm pregnant. I was so focused on what I should do, that I didn't see Drakon come up behind me until he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder. I smile at him by looking in the mirror and kiss his snout.

"Whats got you thinking in the morning?" He asks.

"Oh, you'll find out at dinner." I say smiling up at him. He laughs and says okay before getting dressed. We go down to the dinning area and see everybody including Sharrkan, Ezmerelda, and their two newborns. Drakon and I sit down and Hina clears his throat gaining the attention of everybody.

"Hope and I have an announcement to make." He says grabbing Hope's hand.

"We're pregnant." Hope says. Everybody starts to cheer for them and once everything settles down, Yamuraiha asks, "Wait, don't you guys have to be married before having a kid."

"We are married." Hina says

"You are?!" Everybody asks shocked.

"Ya, they got married when we went to Imuchakk. Mom wanted to get married the traditional way that the Imuchakk's do." Delaina says

"We didn't want to make a big deal out of it and wanted to get it done and over with. Sorry we didn't tell you guys sooner. We just never had the time to with two weddings and a pregnancy going on. You all had your own things to do that were important." Hope says.

"It's alright Hope. I'm happy for you two." Seraphina says

That's when I remembered what Drakon and I were doing so I say, "Oh ya. That reminds me. Drakon and I are planning on getting married too." I say. Everybody congratulates us.

"We are going to sign a paper. We don't really want to make a huge deal out of it and get it done and over with." Drakon says

~Time skip to dinner~

While Drakon was taking a shower, I flew to a market that sold baby items and bought a baby bottle. When I got back to the palace, I told the maids that I wanted the baby bottle washed and then filled with wine, and given to Drakon. They agree and I go and join everybody. The maids start placing the food on the table and then the drinks. One of the maids then places the baby bottle in front of Drakon. As he is talking with Hina, he grabs it and tries to drink from it. Everybody goes wide eyed when they see the bottle and Drakon then looks at it noticing that no wine is coming out. Drakon looks at it for a moment and then goes wide eyed as well. He then looks at me, my stomach, and then the bottle.

"Wait, what?! A-Are you- Are you pregnant?!" He asks shocked. I smile and nod. 

"Holy shit. I'm going to be a dad." He says looking at me. I smile and laugh slightly and nod.

"I'm going to be a dad." Drakon whispers after pulling me into a hug. I hug him back and we both look at each other and kiss. Once we break apart, we put our foreheads together and Drakon places his hand on my stomach. Everybody then cheer for us and we smile. Drakon then grabs the bottle and drinks the wine from it, making all us laugh. He then places his arm around me and we all finish eating. After dinner, everybody heads to their room, and Drakon and I get ready for bed. As I am putting my night dress on, Drakon bends down and kisses my stomach before laying down. I smile and finish getting dressed then crawl into his open arms and kiss him before snuggling into his chest.

"I love you Rain" Drakon says softly.

"I love you too, Drakon." I say before we both fall asleep

Sinbad & Sharrkan Love Story *Book 2*Where stories live. Discover now