Pregnant and Birth

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Seraphina's P.O.V.

It's been a month after mine and Sinbad's honeymoon, and I am still not pregnant. We keep trying and are slowly loosing hope that I will get pregnant. Hope and Hina are really good, they went down to Imuchukk with Kikiriku and Delaina and stayed there for a couple days. Drakon and Rain are good too, they go on dates once week. Ezmerelda and Sharrkan are doing good, Ezmerelda's baby bump is getting bigger, it's twice the size it should be because she is carrying twins.

~Time skip one month~

Another month has gone by and I am still not pregnant. I am hanging on by a thin tread of hope now and so is Sinbad, but we keep trying. Ezmerelda is five months along now and went down to Heliophat with Sharrkan to see his brother.

~Time skip another month~

Ezmerelda and Sharrkan got back from Heliophat a week ago and are now six months along, getting bigger day. Sinbad and i are still trying and are now a blink of an eye away from losing hope. The eight generals, Ezmerelda, Rain, and Hope are telling us not to give up and keep trying, they're basically being our support to not give up.

It's the next day and I have been feeling weird all day. I told Sinbad about it and he said to go lay down and get some rest, and that it was probably a cold. I did as I was told and Ezmerelda comes in with Rain and Hope.

"Hey. We hear you haven't been feeling so good since this morning, so we came to check up on you." Hope says.

"Ya, i'm just feeling nauseous, dizzy, I have been going to the bathroom a lot, and I am really hungry." I say. Hope and Ezmerelda look at each other shocked then smile brightly at each other.

"Seraphina? Do your boobs hurt or feel tender?" Rain asks

"Now that I think about, ya. Why?" I ask worriedly.

"Seraphina, you might be pregnant. Hope and Rain, go and get the eight generals, Sinbad, grandpa, and all the kids." Ezmerelda says. Hope and Rain rush off and Ezmerelda then takes the blanket off of me and places her hands on my stomach. A she does so, everybody comes rushing in. Sinbad comes in with a worried face and asks, "What's wrong with Seraphina?" 

"Sinbad, Seraphina... You two are finally pregnant." Ezmerelda says. I cover my face and start to cry. As I am crying, I feel the bed dip down and am pulled into Sinbad's arms.

"We finally did it honey. We are going to have a bigger family." Sinbad says. Every cheers and leaves us alone with Aladdin, Morgiana, and Dunya. They all climb up into into the bed and hug me too.

"Why are you crying mom?" Dunya asks

"I'm just really happy." I say hugging them. After a while I fall asleep, exhausted from crying. Sinbad and the kids decide to stay with me and fall asleep also.

~Time skip three months~

Ezmerelda's P.O.V.

I am now nine months and ready to get these babies out of me. I have not been able to sleep, but have found a solution. Using my husband as a pillow for my stomach, but I don't do that much because I don't want to be laying on top of him. I just now secretly left Hope's room. Reason for that is because they both figured out they are pregnant too and want to tell Hina and Drakon, but not before making it official that they were pregnant. Once I make it to Sinbad's office, I knock and walk in. I see Yamuraiha, Seraphina, Ja'far, and Sinbad around a book.

"What is that?" I ask walking/waddling over.

"It is a book that I bought for Sinbad and Seraphina. It will help them throughout the pregnancy and after the baby is born. Oh, and here. I bought you and Sharrkan one too, just case."

"Oh, thank you. I have been- AHHH!!!" I say before before feeling a sharp pain and bend over. I grab the corner of the desk and squeeze, feeling it crack under my grip. I guess when I screamed, everybody heard it because the other eight generals ran in.

"Ezmerelda!! Are you okay?!" Sharrkan asks running over to me. I grab his hand and squeeze as another sharp pain comes.

"No. The baby is coming!" I say panting.

"Alright. Lets get you into the medical ward now." Sharrkan says before gently picking me up and running to the medical ward. We get in and Sharrkan sets me back on my feet. I feel something drip down my leg and see water and blood.

"My water broke honey!" I say grabbing his hand

"Help me get her onto the bed General Sharrkan. Nurses come and help me." The head nurse says. Sharrkan then helps me onto the bed and I feel another contraction and feel the a couple nurses gently pick up my legs.

"Holy. You are one centimeter away from being fully dilated. Someone get all the equipment out and the sink filled with semi warm water. Lady Ezmerelda is going to give birth any minute."

Sharrkan's P.O.V.

I grab onto Ezmerelda's hand and I hear the nurse tell her to push. After a couple of pushes, the baby's head is out. 

"You need to push hard this time Lady Ezmerelda." The nurse says. Ezmerelda squeezes my hand and screams, making me fall to my knees in pain knowing my hand is broken.

"It's a boy." The nurse says. I smile brightly and look at Ezmerelda.

"One more baby to go honey." I say.

Ezmerelda looks at me with tears in her eyes, panting from exhaustion.

"I don't think I can do it. I am so exhausted." She says as a couple tears cascade down her face.

"Honey, yes you can. I believe in you. Just one more time." I say. Ezmerelda weakly nods and pushes again. After a couple more big pushes the second baby comes out.

"It's a girl." The nurse says. I look at Ezmerelda and see her panting with sweat covering her face and chest, with her hair sticking to her face.

"You did it honey." I say. The nurse come over and places our crying son and daughter on Ezmerelda chest.

"What are their names, if I don't mind asking?" One of the nurses says.

"The girls' name is Kaitlin and the boys' name is Phoebus." I say softly. Placing my good hand over Pheobus'. He grabs my pointer finger and Kaitlin grabs my pinky finger. I observe them and see that Phoebus looks like Ezmerelda and Kaitlin looks like me.

I see Ezmerelda move over a little bit and asks, "Will you lay with me?"

"Of course." I say before getting into bed with her. I wrap my arm around her so her head is resting on my bicep. Kaitlin and Pheobus let of my hand and start to cry.

"I think their hungry." I suggest. I grab a folded blanket and unravel in before placing it over my newborn children and Ezmerelda's chest as a sort of privacy. The door opens and everybody quietly comes in.

"Hey new mom." Seraphina says smiling.

"How are you feeling?" Pisti asks

"Happy, sweaty, tired, and exhausted." Ezmerelda says. 

"Well, we just wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing. Here, before I leave, let me heal your hand Sharrkan." Yamuraiha says. I nod and she walks over and heals my hand before leaving with everybody else. I look at Ezmerelda to see her staring at me. I smile softly and kiss her on the lips and place the now sleeping babies on the bed beside us and fall asleep also.

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