Zoe's Plan

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Great Britain

9:11 PM GMT


"I have a boyfriend," was my announcement that set my twin, Zoe, into a constant babble about wedding plans for the past hour. We're fourteen, the youngest of our three other siblings. Despite the fact we're identical twins, sharing the same long blonde hair, pale complexion, and an amazing fashion sense, we are absolutely nothing alike. Zoe is a complete spaz, and I'm relaxed. Our oldest sibling, Deseray, agrees with me. Deseray is seventeen, and tends to stay away from us. She has shoulder-length red hair, and is currently in sponge bob pajamas. She is growing more impatient with Zoe by the second, as am I. Deseray has a twin as well, named Angelica. They are complete opposites with their tempers, but other than that, they are very much alike with their hair color and light complexion. Hana is in between all of us in age. She is fifteen, on the verge of turning sixteen. She has dark hair and a medium complexion. She is more of mom's helper and tries to keep peace between all of us. Hana is currently keeping Deseray from punching Zoe in the face.

"Chloe! We have so much to talk about! I was thinking, like, a fall wedding. I like the color of the leaves. It has to be warm though! A white dress would be perfect against the sunset!" "Zoe shut up! You've been going on about this for the past hour and a half. Enough is enough!" Deseray shouted. Mom is too busy in the kitchen to control Zoe like she normally does. "Zoe, we've been going out for five hours," I told her. She looked hurt for a minute, but then recollected herself. "This one will work! You already love him! I know it's your first relationship, but I'm a genius when it comes to these things!" "Is that why your last relationship ended two weeks when you presented your entire book of wedding plans?" Angelica zinged. It's unusual for her to do that, so it hurt a lot more than it would have if Deseray had said it. Zoe chose to ignore it. "What color flowers? Oh I want to be the maid of honor! It's your choice of course, but," Zoe was cut off by Hana, who has been silent this whole time, minus the occasional words to Deseray to keep her calm. "Zoe, every time you've ever planned a wedding, then told the boyfriend, he broke up with us right there. They don't like commitment," Hana stated. "But this one will work! I know it will!" Zoe exclaimed. "That's it! I'm telling mom. MOM!!!!!!" Deseray called. "What?" "Zoe's planning another wedding," Deseray tattled. Hana and I were holding back laughter. Deseray always tells mom when she can't handle something anymore.

"Go outside and learn to get along. All of you!" mom directed us. "But it's cold!" Angelica complained. "Just throw on a jacket," I whispered to her. We mumbled a couple of things, and then walked out into the cold, December air. Zoe started planning my wedding again, and Deseray walked quicker to get away from her. That's when we heard a tree branch snap.

"Zoe stop talking!" Hana whispered into the night. I stopped walking and turned around to look at her face. I saw the last cloud from her breathe fade away into the dark. "No! Hana this is important! If you don't plan ahead for the future, you will be screwed!" Zoe fought back. "Zoe seriously shut up. I heard it too Hana," I told her. "What? What's wrong?" Angelica asked. "I heard a tree branch snap," Hana whispered to Angelica.

Deseray ran back to us, noticing we stopped in the poppy garden, which is dangerous due to the effect it has on your brain. "Get out of the garden before you get drugged and pass out," Deseray told us. We heard some hissing and hysterical laughing. "What was that?" Zoe asked, now joining in the hysterics Hana and I were in. "Sleep tight precious!" a voice said. Next thing I know, Hana, Zoe, Angelica, and Deseray were unconscious and laying on the ground. I felt something hit my head, I screamed, and then fell to the ground. I saw a glimpse of the time on my cell phone: 11:11 pm. An evil laugh echoed throughout the gardens, and a voice warned "don't mess with an angel darling," as my world faded to darkness.

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