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I looked towards the opening gate. Several Peace Keepers were heading to Anti-Soul to contain them from leaving, and many other peace keepers were going to have a meeting in the Peace Keeper's main building, which was on a secret location. Only the peace keepers and hunters are allowed to go to the Peace Keepers' headquarters. I decided to go find Angelica and my other fairy siblings and tell them what's going on.

I began to walk to the gardens, when I heard a preppy voice call me. "Hey! Green fairy! Come here!" I looked in the direction the voice was coming from. Courtney. I silently groaned and spread my wings to fly towards her. I figured I might as well show off to her. "Witch," isn't the only word that describes her, but both words rhyme. I smiled as I flew over to her. I had a plan to make her leave me alone. "Which color? I found these nail polishes that are ensured to not chip. It's what all of the in style soldiers wear," she cooed. "Why even bother? You're just going to lose the whole nail," I told her while smirking. I tossed my green hair, a symbol for the earth fairies, over my shoulder. Courtney looked at me, disgusted with the thought of losing a nail.

"Ha! You should see your face right now!" I laughed hysterically as she tried to think of a response. "Why don't you go back with your stupid cotton candy siblings?" she told me. "Oh no! We are not cotton candy! You know what these colors represent?" I began screaming at her. "I don't really care. Calm your wings dow-" "No! I'm telling you right now! Listen because I am NOT repeating myself!" I exclaimed.

"Hana! Where are you? Angelica needs you!" I heard Zoe call for me. "Not now Zoe. She thinks we're made of cotton candy." "Oh my god! You're silly! These colors represent something!" Zoe began. She's such a spaz, which is hilarious. Courtney didn't find it funny. “I did not say-" "Okay! As you know, there are five elements in this world: spirit, earth, water, fire, and air. Each of these elements for fairies are represented by different colors," I began. Zoe interrupted me. "We're like skittles! Different colors represent different flavors! Like air is yellow, like me! Earth is green, water is blue, fire is red, and spirit is... ummm," Zoe's face transformed into a face of thought. "Isn't your sister spirit?" Courtney asked, amused by Zoe's failure. "Oh yeah!" Zoe exclaimed. "PURPLE!" Zoe began to hover above the ground.


"I'm going to go find Angelica," Hana told me. I looked at Courtney's long nails, which were now a bright, sparkly blue. "Oooo I like your nail polish!" I told her. I stopped hovering to get a closer look. "Don't mess it up!" Courtney yelled at me. I tried to imagine what guy would be dumb enough to want to go out with her. She was so mean all the time. Only one guy popped into mind, and the perfect wedding scene popped into my mind. "O-M-G! Courtney! I have an idea!" "What?" she asked me, perfecting her nails. She's such a drama queen. "Okay! How do you feel about Hunter Aiken? I have this idea and you would be, like, perfect for each other! Here you should see my wedding album! I'm such a perfect wedding planner!" "Uhhh no thanks. He's not even moderately attractive," she told me. "No Courtney!" I went over and put my arm over her shoulder. "Get off of me!" she screamed. She began to run.

"Wait Courtney! Come here! I'm, like, completely serious!" "Leave me alone you freak!" I laughed and flew to catch up with her. She ran over and fell into Deseray. "Ow!" Deseray yelled. "Will you two quit? Something's wrong with the water and Angelica's trying to talk to it!" "Sorry Deseray," I said quietly. Courtney ran off to the cabin muttering something about me being a lunatic. I listened closely to what Angelica was singing:

“Flow freely down the wake

And into the sea

Be clean of all poison

And openly be free

 Tell me why

You feel so sad

Are there dangers down the road?

Or is someone mad?

You are most of my body

And live in my bones

We care for you water

Please tell me why you can’t find home.”

I blinked several times as the water cleared. It was difficult to see because of the dark, but the stars normally reflected. "What is wrong with it Angelica?" Hana asked. Hana and Angelica often worked together, as Earth and water are deeply related. "Zoe, bring a breeze. Water says it cannot move. Anti-Soul poisoned it. Deseray, go find Whitney and tell her we cannot drink the water and she will need to go to the market to buy some so we can eat," Angelica whispered, still concentrating on the water. Deseray left and I cleared all of my thoughts. I felt a breeze pick up around me. My hair was blowing, and I could smell sea spray, even though the ocean wasn't near. I looked at the water and it began to move. I felt the air move through me, and then suddenly stop. "No!" I yelped. "What's wrong?" Chloe asked. I buckled to the ground and everything went black.

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