Let the Games Begin!

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“Ugh! The other team has an advantage with Kyla!” I yelled. “You have me!” Charlie exclaimed. I scoffed, “a unicorn? Come on really? Are you really trying to be funny with the name? That video is so old!” I continued yelling, and the other team captured one of our four flags. “Damn it!”

“Chloe stop yelling. We need to split up. The other team already has one of our flags. We have to get the four without any powers used against us. Use your powers to stop all movements. Kara and I will guard the other three flags. Let’s go people!” Aiden took charge, and we split up. “Sarah, Angelica, and Ashley come with me,” I commanded. We took off towards the first flag of the other team’s behind the cabin.

“Watch my back. I’m going for it! It’s right there! So simple!” Angelica told us. “NO!” I yelled, but it was too late. “OW god damn fucking mother of,” I cut her off, “ANGELICA! STOP CUSSING! There was a force field there. If you had waited like I was trying to tell you, ugh whatever. It’s deactivated, so, go ahead and grab it,” I told her. “Oh no you don’t!” I looked down to the group, and Ashley was unconscious. Kyla found us.

“Easy Kyla, please, calm down. We just want the little flag, that’s all,” I tried used my powers to persuade her. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work so well when she’s in wolf form. “Ha! Nice try. Now leave before I bite you! They put me on guard for a reason,” Kyla threatened. “You’re trying to make this difficult aren’t you?” I teased. I channeled in the spirits, ignoring the odd feeling of evil I felt surrounding the New York airport (I’ll tell Whitney about that later), and turned invisible. “Go ahead and try me!” I challenged. Angelica dove for the flag, taking a bite from Kyla, and I quickly, and invisibly, grabbed the flag. “HA!” I exclaimed going back to being visible. “Got it! Na, na, na, na, boo, boo!” I teased, and then Angelica and I ran off to bring the flag to Kara.

“I’ll get you for that one Chloe!” Kyla yelled after me. She took off to guard another flag. “Have fun!” I teased again. “Kara! We got one!” I yelled to her. “We only need one more. You may have tricked Kyla due to her attention span and ego, but Jack is guarding the last one. He’s going to be a bit tougher,” Aiden told us. “How many of ours do they have?” "Three," Angelica told him. "The last one is over there. Let's go!" I said, noting Kyla moving away from the flag, and Jack was turned around.

“I’m going invisible again. I sense an Earth force field, so don’t just go for it Angelica,” I whispered. I crept over to where the flag was. Angelica silently fluttered behind, constantly scanning for any sense of action from the other team. I felt sweat beginning to bead on my forehead as I tried to activate my powers to clear the force field. I felt it beginning to let up, and then I heard static. The snow on the ground around the pole began melting from the heat of my power, and I’m only a spirit fairy. “That’s pretty freaking cool,” I thought to myself.

I heard a loud POP and I began reaching for the flag, but before I could untie it, I flew back ten feet when Kyla screeched, “I GOT IT! I GOT THE LAST ONE!” Kyla yelled. “HA WE WIN!!!!” she gloated. Kyla transformed back to her human form, then began dancing like a fool. I tried to calm my heart rate back down. She scared me half to death. “Dang it!!!” Angelica cried. Everyone ran over to where Kyla danced exhausted and ready for bed.

“KYLA! What have I told you about pride? You win with grace, never in an un-civilized fashion,” Aiden scolded behind clenched teeth. “Oh you’re such a sore loser Aiden! Geesh!” Kyla stated as she ceased her dancing. “You all need a chill pill. Look! Half of these people are passed out!” I exclaimed. “They weren’t ready for battle,” Aiden stated. “Ha-ha Angelica! We kicked your butt!!!” Zoe joked.

“Zoe, this was training,” Hana said as she took down her Earth force field that protected her body. “You had yourself protected?” I asked, shocked at my older sister’s power. “You can never be too careful,” she said as she winked. “TEACH ME THAT!” I screamed. “Okay, okay I will later I promise!” Hana told me. She and Zoe were laughing so hard tears were coming out of their eyes. “We all did it Chloe, except you and Angelica. I taught Hana and Zoe. You couldn’t have hurt us if you tried!” Deseray joked. “Show me too!” Angelica commanded. “I will in the cabin,” Hana said flatly.

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