Building Up

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            “I’ve got the twine,” Breena said sweetly. “Awesome,” I smiled. “Is that everything?” Zoe asked. “All but the elements, dummy,” Courtney chastised. “Be nice Courtney,” I warned. “We need to cast the circle,” Deseray told us. The fairies stood in a circle: air fairies in the north, earth fairies in the east, water fairies in the south, and fire fairies in the east. Courtney and I stood with the spirit fairies and Breena in the center, creating a miniature circle inside the larger circle. I took my place in the north of the center circle. Each fairy held a candle: yellow for air, green for earth, blue for water, red for fire, purple for spirit, pink for Breena, and white for me and Courtney. I began by lighting a match, then holding the flame to my candle. Once my candle was lit, I preceded to cast the circle, beginning with air:

“Air you provide us with the wind we need for harvest, and allow us to breathe in purity. We light these candles for you. Please, air, join our circle.”

Zelda gritted her teeth in pain as the air candles began to brighten. A small breeze blew around us, and I continued, despite Zelda’s gasps. Earth was next:

“Earth, you bring us beauty and nature. You are good to us, even when we are weak. You bring us life. Please, Earth, join our circle.”

            As the Earth candles lit, Heather and Zelda both cried out in pain. The other fairies from Anti-Soul looked around the circle, their faces stricken with fear. Smells of fresh cut grass and corn fields blew with the wind, and I moved on to water:

“Water, you fill us with strength and joy. You allow us to thrive, and fill our oceans and rivers. For this reason, please, water, join our circle.”

            This time when I lit the candle, the fairies from Anti-Soul screamed and gasped for air. I felt nothing but the rush of a cool liquid surrounding me, and I moved on to fire:

“Fire, you warm us on these cold, winter nights. You give us security and are always welcome. Please fire, join our circle.”

            The candles lit without me touching my candle to the wick. The smell of smores and campfires filled my, and I felt warm inside. The Anti-Soul fairies cried out in pain, and complained that they felt as if they were being burned alive, so I quickly tried to finish casting the circle. Next, I brought spirit to the circle:

“Spirit, you are unique and bring us joy. You are the center of each individual life, just as you will be for this circle. Please spirit, join our circle.”

            I lifted my candle to the purple candles, and they flickered. I felt joy and happiness, but the Anti-Soul fairies buckled to the ground, screaming in pain. “Don’t break the circle!” Angelica screamed. I lit Courtney’s candle, and then finally moved onto Breena:

“All of the elements are here, so with this final candle, I ask that the circle of protection to be officially cast.”

            All was silent for a moment. The Anti-Soul fairies stopped screaming and we all felt peace. “Breena, will you say the final words?” I asked her. “Yes,” she stated, “in this time of crisis, we ask the night for salvation from the dangers of the cruel world. We ask for protection, and for eternal peace. We thank the elements and the good goddess for their love,” Breena stated. The force field expanded across Soul as each of the elements combined. “Now to close the circle,” I began. “Thank you goddess,” I said, and the white candles went out. “Thank you spirit,” I stated as the purple candles went out. I went around the circle thanking each element until the circle was closed.

            “That was so painful,” Alexa grieved. The other Anti-Soul fairies agreed. “We need to go check the borders of Soul,” I stated.

            All of the fairies, Courtney, and I began to check to make sure the area was secure. Explosions lit the night air over New York City, but we were not affected. “I think we’re safe,” Chloe said. “I think so too. We need to go tell Head Peacekeeper Whitney the shield is up. No one can leave,” I told Chloe.

            The fairies headed towards Head Peacekeeper Whitney. Courtney and I followed closely behind, and we walked until we found Whitney sitting on the stage staring towards the city where more explosions went off. “Head Peacekeeper Whitney?” I quietly asked. She looked towards me, her eyes red and swollen. “Is the force field up?” she croaked. “Yes,” I told her. “Are you okay?” Breena asked. “Yeah, as long as everyone is safe,” Whitney responded. Breena wrapped her in a hug. “Only time can tell how safe we are,” Zoe stated. We all silently agreed.

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