What's the Plan?

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"All peace keepers and hunters are to head to the Peace Keepers' Headquarters immediately," I ordered. I opened the gate and got in the black Sudan with my two guards, Aiken, and his two guards. As important officials of the community, we had to have guards to protect us in case something were to happen. The other Peace Keepers and Hunters piled into the other black Sudans, and we drove for a half hour to the Peace Keepers' Headquarters.

"Where do we go Whitney?" one of the Peace Keepers asked me. "We will meet in Meeting Room 5, which is on the third story. We will need two guards in the room with us, but the rest of you are to surround this entire building, inside and out, and keep out any unwanted guests. Am I clear?" I commanded. A chorus of "Yes ma'am," followed my instructions. I, Aiken, and all of the other Peace Keepers and hunters went in the elevator to meet in meeting room five.

The Peace Keepers and hunters sat in their seats, and I took my normal position in front of a podium. I played back the news report from yesterday so they could see it, then I began to speak. "Anti-Soul must be stopped," I said as I banged my hand on the podium. I caught their attention. "They began training yesterday, and they haven't stopped since. They are growing stronger. Evil cannot be stronger than good. If evil is stronger, we will all die. Good can co-exist with evil, but good must be stronger to maintain the natural balance. We have to devise a plan to prepare Soul for war, if it were to happen. Are there any ideas?" I looked at Aiken, prepared for his stupid ideas.

"Paint ball," Aiken announced. As the other hunters applauded the idea, I thought to myself “What a STUPID idea. Paintball? Ugh!” “That's stupid. We're preparing for a war filled with EVIL BEINGS with MAGICKAL POWERS, and you want to do PAINTBALL? This is not a war in the Middle East dumbass. This is a magik war. Training with guns isn't going to do a thing." The peace keepers and hunters looked at me, now agreeing with the thought. "Fine then Whitney, what do you want to do?" Aiken asked me with jealousy and agitation projected by his voice.

I pondered several things we could do to prepare the mythical creatures for their fate. Then, an idea came to mind. "Man hunt," I told them. "Man hunt? How is that supposed to-" Aiken began. "Yes! Man hunt!" I began bouncing on my heels. "It's perfect. Manhunt is a game similar to the war we will be fighting. The object is to stay alive, just as it would be in real life. They would have full access to their powers, as long as they don't really kill each other. They would have to stay away from the enemy. We could have some of the peace keepers' and hunters' help to make it even. Aiken, you and I will lead each of the teams," I explained.

The other hunters looked at Aiken for a reaction. I looked towards him as well, slightly smirking. He was dumbfounded, and I was satisfied. "All in favor?" "I," all of the peace keepers and hunters agreed. "Those opposed?" I asked. "Nay," Aiken said. "Very well then, we will begin training today, at midnight," I stated blandly. We headed out to the cars to return to our jobs for the day before we met again at midnight. It was nine o' clock now, so they had three hours to get ahead on their jobs.

Soon, we arrived at Soul. I unlocked the gate, and Aiken and I went inside. We were greeted by Kara and Chloe. "WHITNEY! SOMETHING'S WRONG WITH ZOE!" Chloe told me hysterically. "What? What happened?" I asked. "She passed out. Hana and Deseray are trying to help her regain consciousness, but it isn't working," Kara said. "Where is she?" I asked, now feeling the hysteria consuming me. "She’s by the Fairy Gardens and the river! Hurry!" Chloe screamed. They ran to where Zoe must have been, and I followed behind.

"What's going on Hana?" "Zoe passed out while we were trying to cleanse the water. I don't know what happened," Hana told me. She was trying to remain calm, but she feared her sister's safety. "Kara!" I yelled. "Yes Head Peace Keeper Whitney?" Kara asked. All of Soul was crowded around us, trying to comprehend what happened. "Use your healing power on her. You should have used it earlier." Kara closed her eyes and concentrated. "OW!" she screamed. Kara fell backwards into the dirt, began coughing up blood, and then blacked out. "What the heck?" Courtney said, looking up from her new manicure. "KARA!" Angelica screeched. "Everyone calm down! If you are not a fairy or witch, leave!" I commanded. We were dealing with Payton's handy-work.

"Wha-What happened?" Kara asked. "You passed out. What happened?" "Zelda got into Zoe. She was practicing something and the excess darkness consumed Zoe. Anti-Soul is getting strong," Kara explained, still slightly dazed. "Zoe, honey, you need to try to wake up," I sympathized. The only way to beat evil is with good. Friendly words are always a good start, in my opinion. Zoe's eyes fluttered, and then slowly opened. She looked around the gardens, with confusion and fear showing in her eyes. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed. "Zoe, it's okay. Calm down. You're safe now. Zelda's not in your mind anymore," I attempted. "You're okay Zoe," Hana told her as she hugged her.

"It was terrible! It felt like I was on fire. My entire body burned with dark energy, and the world looked much crueler. Payton's whip tore the air, and I continued running. She's working them to the point of death. I don't want to go through that again," Zoe told us, her heavy sobs engulfing each word. "It's okay Zoe. We're going to play a game today. Why don't you go eat, then meet back with us at the center?" I asked her. "A game!" Zoe's eyes brightened. "Okay Head Peace Keeper Whitney!" she told me, excited. "I'll watch her," Hana told me. "Thank you Hana. Everything you do helps me so much," I told her as the embers of compassion burned in my eyes. She simply nodded and caught up with Zoe. The other fairies followed her into the cabin.

"That was very sweet Whitney," Aiken told me. I really wanted to knock him out. "What do you mean by that Aiken?" I stated coldly.

  "I didn't mean that as an insult Whitney. You actually really helped her, and she was close to the edge. It would have been hard to kill her."

  "That's all you care about, isn't it? You just want your perfect little utopia! For your information Aiken, there is never all good in this world. There is always a source of evil to balance out the good, and you can't change that by serving 'justice' by killing people. You're throwing the lit match into the puddle of gasoline, and it only causes more problems, not solve them."

"Take the compliment Whitney!"

"So you can hurt me again?"

"That was a long time ago! Let it go!"

"You never get over your first love Aiken, and mine just so happened to be a cheater."

"I'm sorry!"

"NO! No more bold fac-... wait what?"

"I'm sorry Whitney. I-I regret letting you go," Aiken looked up at me, fear and sorrow showing on his face. "Why should I?" Aiken leaned into me, about to say something, and then he kissed me passionately, like he used to so long ago. I began to enjoy it, and then the memories came back. I pushed him away. "How could you?" I spat. I slapped him. He was rubbing his face, which held the red emblem of my palm, and I shoved passed him. "Don't talk to me Aiken." My words were like ice stabbing into his heart, but I didn't care. I had a game to explain.

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