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December 21, 2112

Present Day 


One-hundred years ago today was when I became the head peace keeper. December 21, 2012 was the day the human race began to vanish, and the rise of supernatural beings became a reality. Humans viewed us as a threat and placed us in an industrial wasteland in New York City, which we call "Soul." Soul does not welcome humans, as the humans do not welcome us into their communities. Nobody is to leave or enter, unless notarized by me, Head Peace Keeper Whitney.

Technically, I am still human, but because I was there when the explosion occurred and I had been helping people, I became the head Peace Keeper. Peace Keepers are those who try to "keep peace" between the human world, the supernatural world, good, and evil. We are neutral in the fight. I chose to be with soul because they battle for good, and the other Supernatural Containment Center (SCC), Anti-Soul, battles for evil. In the last one-hundred years, the battle had become more realistic. Instead of the police arresting the robbers or murderers, it has been using our powers against the other SCC. The humans no longer have crime rates because most of those committing crimes are in Anti-Soul today.

Today, being the anniversary, has been a day of reflection. The nuclear waste spill in Miami was one of the leading causes for the change that caused us to evolve into what we are today. I was told to give a speech to those in Soul today, so now I am standing in the middle of Soul, waiting on everybody who lives here to come to the wooden stage in the center of our community. There is no grass, only a couple of trees that I planted to make this place look nice, and two buildings. The first building is made of stone, similar to the stone you would see on a human prison. In the inside of the building, there are 5 rooms. The main room includes the kitchen, living room, and the dining room. If you go to the left, there is a hallway leading to two bedrooms, one for girls, and one for boys. Each of the bedrooms have a coffin for the vampires, and two sets of bunk beds for the other creatures. Humans did not provide us with much, so we have to share four sets of bunk beds between sixteen people. The other building is a log cabin that I built myself. This building houses the Peace Keepers, as well as allows for everybody to have a lounge for entertainment. There are guitars, drums, pianos, video games, and a dance floor. These are things I've been smuggling from the human community for years.

I looked at the setting sun. The vampires are beginning to come to the ceremony now. Vampires cannot go out into the sun. The sun is extremely uncomfortable for them, and if they stay out too long, they will turn to dust. Sarah and Jack are vampires as well as two other "creatures." Human law states we cannot call those who live in an SCC a "person" because they posses supernatural powers. The main hunter, Aiken, turned to me to tell me to walk up the podium to deliver my speech. Aiken was my boyfriend one-hundred and three years ago, and then he cheated on me. The tension between us is still extremely strong. I played back the events from that night from over a century ago as I waited for everyone to become quiet.

I looked at my best friend, Sarah. She forgave me the day we were put into Soul. She gave me a thumbs-up and I nodded before looking at my index cards to remember where I begin. I took a deep breath and smiled. "Good evening everyone. It has been 100 years since that horrible tragedy where most of us gained the super abilities. I remember the blood lust that occurred eleven hours later. The human governments called it a “mass murder,” because of how many people were drained of blood and had their throats ripped out by the vampires, and that is where many of the peace keepers, like me, stepped up. From then on, the humans placed us here in Soul, or in Anti-Soul, to protect their diminishing race. We have been working with the human governments to take any knowledge of our existence out of the minds of the public, and we had ten years ago. Now, one of us has let out the secret," I paused as they interrupted me. Murmurs of what could happen to us echoed throughout the audience.

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