Hell in Soul

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     The sixty creatures gathered around the stage where President Emerald, Payton, hunters, Peacekeepers, and I stood. President Emerald cleared his throat, and those whom originated from Soul quieted, waiting for him to speak. However, the creatures from Anti-Soul simply flicked him off, laughed, and continued with their useless conversations. President Emerald pointed at Aiken and said, “KILL ONE!” “NO!” I screamed, but it was too late. A shape shifter dropped to the ground, black blood staining the white crystals settled on the ground. I bit my lip, trying to keep myself from crying. Anti-Soul began a riot. Aiken continually shot creatures from Anti-Soul, making them angrier. “PAYTON DO SOMETHING NOW!” I screeched. Payton looked at me, finally understanding the true danger we faced. “ANTI-SOUL HERE’S AN IDEA! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN BEFORE I FUCKING SHOOT YOU MYSELF!” Payton screeched. Anti-Soul immediately stopped talking as President Emerald stood at the podium.

     “Attention creatures of The New York City Supernatural Containment Center,” President Emerald boomed. His voice echoed throughout the night, making the city even seem quiet from the distance. Flurries began to fall from the sky, seeming to emphasize the darkness blanketed across Soul. “You are now all in one SCC. It will remain this way until further notice. I expect all of you to help build rooms and expand this area, as ‘Soul,’ as Whitney calls it, is not big enough for the forty of you that remain standing. You will honor the authority that stands upon this stage, except for the demon. Her life has come to an end,” President Emerald stated as he turned to a hunter. The hunter aimed at Payton and shot in her in the head. I screamed, but no sound came out. I squinted my eyes when the gun shot broke the air, and then I heard laughter.

     “You’re all dumbasses! You can shoot at me, set me on fire, hell you could even try to poison me, but you sure as hell aren’t going to kill me!” Payton mocked. “Shut up, Payton!” I screamed. She looked at me and winked. I slammed my hand into my forehead. She was toying with them.

“Is that so?” President Emerald questioned. “Try anything you want. I’m more indestructible than your god damned ego,” Payton challenged. “Get the hydrochloric acid!” President Emerald commanded. “Pathetic,” Payton stated. The hunter poured a bucket of acid over her head. The acid ate through her clothes and stage, yet she remained standing as though it were a bucket of water. “I find your attempts at killing a DEMON hilarious President Emerald. Please, continue entertaining me,” Payton mocked once again. President Emerald shook his head.

“We will begin building tonight. You have all been assigned a job. You will not be training for anymore battles. Anyone who dares to challenge me will face certain death. The fun time is over,” President Emerald stated. He motioned for the hunters to enforce his orders and the peacekeepers took their posts guarding the areas and watching for any issues.

Creatures headed towards the cabin to begin to make room for twenty more additions: all except for the angelic-like Breena. “Head Peacekeeper Whitney?” Breena asked as she fluttered up to me. I felt mesmerized by her beauty as though it were compelling my every thought.

     “What do you need, Breena?” I asked, smiling to show I’m friendly. “How are we supposed to build more rooms?” she asked me. “We use whatever we can find. Didn’t you build in Anti-Soul?” I eyed her carefully. “I don’t know,” her words lingered in the crisp air.

I looked up and saw Deseray carrying many stones. “Hey Deseray?” I called her over. She handed the stones to Courtney, who wasn’t carrying anything, and walked to me as Courtney complained about the weight of the stones. “Yes, Head Peacekeeper Whitney?” she asked. “Can you help Breena learn how to build, please?” I asked. “Um, I guess but how does she not know? It’s been over one-hundred years,” Deseray stated. “Please, just help her. Do you know where Chloe is?” I questioned as I looked around. “No but I’ll tell her you need her if I see her,” Deseray assured me. I sighed and shook my head as I walked away from her to go into the Peacekeeper cabin.

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