It's Regulation

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January 21, 2113




I stepped onto the stage, which was now illuminated by the blacked steel gas lamps rather than the silver moon, ready to explain what Soul will do. Since Zoe collapsed, I knew I couldn't procrastinate training the mythical creatures of Soul any longer. Anti-Soul is getting stronger; so strong, they could easily imprison Soul any day if the Peace Keepers went under the influence of the black magik's power. An ear piercing alarm went off to notify everyone to come outside to the beautiful January twilight, snow glistening across the dark soil making the dreariness of Soul fade into a magical wonderland, and gathered around the stage, anticipating what I was going to say.

The small crowd's conversations ceased, and I began to walk over to my mahogany podium, recently replaced by President Emerald, who is the leader of every supernatural containment center, and is the President of the United States. I listened to the late night sounds of the distant city, smiled, and prepared myself for the initial reaction of playing a child's game to prepare for a supernatural war.

"Anti-Soul is too powerful! We need to stop them!" someone yelled. "Settle down Soul! Yes, I know the state of our world. All of the fairies have collapsed over the past few weeks, and this is due to the alter-egos strengthening their abilities. Many Peace Keepers are inside Anti-Soul, and the hunters are patrolling the gates. No one may enter, nor leave Anti-Soul. If a supernatural creature is caught outside the gates of a Supernatural Containment Center, they will be killed by a hunter without hesitation." The crowd began to mumble. "That's not fair!" someone exclaimed. "They're going to get even stronger if we don't do something," someone else cried.

"SILENCE!" I yelled. The crowd fell silent once again. "We are going to play a game to calm your nerves. It is not a normal game, and if I am interrupted one more time, you will all be punished!" The side conversations finally ceased, and the city was audible once again.

"As I was saying, we are going to play a game. This game will allow you to strengthen your powers, strength, endurance, and agility; all of these things will be necessary in case of a magik war, as well as the ability to come up with strategies to fool the enemy. There will be two teams, and Hunter Aiken has deciphered who is to be with whom. I'm assuming everyone knows what capture the flag is," I paused for a moment to reflect on the meeting from last week where we changed the game to something more productive. Aiken, for once correct, clarified for everyone manhunt was a glorified hide-and-seek, and then everyone rejected it. I finished my statement: "This is Capture the Flag, Soul style."

Everyone in Soul began to chatter among themselves once again. "SILENCE!" I yelled. Aiken and I exchanged places. "Okay the teams are... hold on. For the record, I didn't make these up. Whitney did because she wants to take all of the glory and wanted me to tell you so when people get-" Peace Keepers cut Aiken off and tackled him to the floor of the stage. The crowd began to get riled up as Aiken punched a Peace Keeper in the face, causing a nose bleed. The hunters joined in, then carried him to the hidden jail. "Retard," I mumbled under my breath.

Peace Keepers and hunters are expected to tolerate each other, and by attacking a person verbally, many punishments can be issued. President Emerald did not come up with this rule; the human governments insist on controlling every aspect of our miserable, endless lives.

I rushed to announce the teams to spare Aiken of the punishment the hunters will issue. "Listen up! Team one is: Kyla, Jack, Deseray, Hana, Zoe, Courtney, Rachel, Ryan, and Lily. Team two is: Aiden, Sarah, Chloe, Angelica, Kara, Graham, Charlie, and Ashley," I stated. "Originally, I was going to help even out the teams, but unfortunately I will be unable to. Charlie is a very powerful shape shifter who prefers being a unicorn, so he should be the one able to carry the force of two," I stumbled over the politically correct words, "creatures."

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