It's YOUR Fault!

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Snow. It’s everywhere. Falling from the sky, crunching under my running feet, crushing beneath every step I take. The humans are outside at five in the morning, making the first footsteps that will lead them to their doom. The doom that is caused by me: Alexa.

I am an “evil” water fairy. Am I really evil though? I hate Payton, I hate humans, and I hate the world. I’m just full of hate. I’d rather live under a bridge than in Anti-Soul. I hate the government. President Emerald, the current leader of the United States, would eliminate me first over anyone. This snow is a gift from me. It’s not really a gift though. President Emerald hates snow, and I found documentation in Payton’s podium of President Emerald’s arrival today to restore order in Soul. I laughed at the idea of order. “Soul having issues with order? Yeah right!” I thought to myself.

I continued running through central park for a few feet. I am outside of the Anti-Soul boundaries, but I don’t care. I’d rather be shot twice in the stomach and bleed than go back to where Payton reins her so-called “kingdom.”

I stopped on a bridge that once covered a flowing pond. A few early morning teenaged ice skaters looked up at me, stopped skating, and skidded towards their homes. That’ll teach them to be outside before curfew ran out. I stared at the ice, and melted it. That’s the nice thing about controlling water. You can make it hot or cold. As much as I hate “life,” I enjoy my powers. I began to daydream as I watched the ice melt:

“You’ll never be good enough Alexa! You deserve to die!”“Then why don’t you just kill me already Zelda? That’s all I’ve wanted since day one!” I screamed at my sister with tears running down my face. “You’re the reason for President Emerald’s arrival! YOU ARE! YOU CAUSE EVERY FREAKING PROBLEM HERE! JUST LEAVE! NO ONE WANTS YOU HERE!” “Then I’ll go!” I wiped my face and began walking to the gate. “Where are you going little lady?”A hunter with a thick southern accent asked as I spread my wings. His black gear glistened beneath the moon. “To terrorize your village, sir,” I told him. “Oh no you ain’t!” He screamed. “CODE ORANGE! CODE ORANGE!” he cried. He grabbed his gun, shot me once in the stomach. I fell onto the other side of the gate. I crawled towards the road, my black, tainted blood rushing from my porcelain stomach. I heard Whitney, “NO!” and then I felt pain in my back. I was gasping for air, which now became difficult to take in. “Zelda, I’m sorry.” I whispered. The world faded to black, and the pain went away with my last breath.

“ALEXA! ALEXA!” “Huh? What?” I looked around as my focus came back. I took in the real Zelda’s image. The poor girl was freezing. Her white skin matched the color of the snow, and her once bright yellow skirt and bra were covered with flakes. I watched her breath in the cold as she spoke, “Are you okay? Anyways, Payton is going to go to sleep soon. Hurry! It’s in between shifts! You can sneak back in now!” “No Zelda, I’m not going back,” I told her. “You should before you get in trouble.” “No Alexa. I hate Payton just as much as you, but the last thing I want to see is my black blood on this nice, white snow you made. The snow has Payton so ticked! It’s hilarious!” “Really?” I laughed what I could manage.

The day dream had me a little shaken up. Zelda is my best friend, and favorite “alter-sister.” I could never believe actually being in an argument with her that intense. “Come on, I have to see this!” I happily exclaimed. “What about your catch phrase?” Zelda asked. I laughed. “Just spread your wings and fly! That’s what I always say!” We giggled as our wings spread further. “Let’s go!” Zelda said, a little more serious. “Super speed?” I asked, ready to take my wings into high gear. She nodded, and we became nothing more than a flash of fairy dust to the human eye. We laughed as the kids ran home to their mothers, and the morning sun peaked over the horizon.

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