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I finally fulfilled the first part of my plan to bring down Soul: get the media's attention. With the help of Victoria and the fairy alter-egos, I am unstoppable. I stopped running all of my plans through my head to focus on Victoria, a dark angel who was kicked out of heaven, and her commentary. "Payton?" "What?" I boomed. My voice echoed throughout Anti-Soul. "What is next?" she asked me. She is shy, yet pure evil. "Well, Soul is going to take action, for one. It's our job to continue catching the media's attention, and eventually lead them to think Soul is evil. We aren't going to stop there," I told her. "I have a suggestion. Let's kidnap one of them," she told me with an evil grin on her innocent face.

Her pale complexion, silky black hair, and her black dress that drapes around her shoulders and onto the floor makes stupid humans think she's one of them, which allows us to get anything we want. Unfortunately, kidnapping someone from Soul would be too suspicious. I shook my head at the thought. "No Victoria. We can't kidnap someone from Soul. We can, however, personally threaten a certain witch for not showing up this morning," I told her.

"Kara? THAT TRAITOR!" she yelled. "I'll have Heather send a little 'surprise' for Soul," I consolidated. "Heather is Hana's alter-ego right?" she asked. Victoria has issues remembering each of the fairy alter-egos. "Yes. She's Hana's alter-ego. She controls Earth to make it miserable for the humans. HEATHER! Come here! NOW!" I yelled.

"What?! I was taking a nap! Why don't we have beds? Can you build a room for us at least? I'm tired of sleeping on the ground in a freaking sleeping bag," Heather began. I slapped her. "Don't talk to me like that. Take this to Soul," I told her as I carefully wrapped a pipe bomb in the shape of a turtle that was set to go off in twenty minutes into a brown package. "What is it?" she questioned. "It's called a toitle. It's a bomb that's in the shape of a turtle," I told her. I was trying to make sure I didn't set it off. I gave it to her, and she snatched it. I slapped her again, and she fell to the floor. "QUIT CRYING AND DO WHAT YOU'RE TOLD!" I screamed at her. Heather ran away from me and left Anti-Soul to run the errand.

Camina, a spirit alter-ego fairy ran in the room. Unlike Chloe, she can see the future, which gives us an advantage over the goody-goods in Soul. "What Camina?" I asked. She was crying bloody tears, which means she just had a vision. "Soul is going to start combat training.”No dip," Victoria told her. Camina writhed in pain from another on-coming vision. "NO!!!!!!!" she screamed she gasped for air and buckled to the soil. Her body began a seizure-like shaking, and she continued gasping for air. I simply sat down at a fire pit and waited for the vision to cease.

I roasted five marshmallows while I waited. Victoria ate each one, considering I cannot eat anything but people's souls and blood. After an hour, Camina regained consciousness and joined us at the fire pit. "What happened now?" I asked her with no emotion. Victoria rolled her eyes and left the fire pit. "A war. The war to end all wars," she told me, a little shaken up. "The humans finally lost it," I mumbled. "No! This is a different kind of war. This war would wipe out the humans and us," she told me. "Soul and Anti-Soul?" I asked. I gazed into the fire and inhaled the smoke. I loved the smell of anything burning. "Yes, but this would determine the entire Earth's future. If Soul loses, we'd be fine, but if we lose," her voice drifted off. She got up and left.

"This is the true beginning. We have the upper hand in the coming battle, but could we really win the war?" I asked myself. I laid down on top of the fire and let it burn me. I needed the smell of my skin to think. Being a demon is pretty cool, just saying.

"Peyton! Wake up!" a voice called. It was dawn, which means Soul would be going to sleep soon. "Who is there?" I called to the voice. "Heather. They got the toitle." "Did it explode?" I asked, curious. "No. Aiken disarmed it," she told me. "What?!" I screamed. I cursed a little then continued my conversation. "How did Whitney take it?" "She thought it was a direct threat. There are peace keepers surrounding Anti-Soul." I cursed some more and woke up all of Anti-Soul. "MEETING! UNDERGROUND! NOW!" I yelled. We all filed into the underground meeting area.

"The humans know who we are. They want to destroy Soul. However, we delivered a toitle to Soul, and now we are unable to leave, unless we have wings or fairy magik," I told Anti-Soul. "EXTRACT THE FAIRY MAGIK!" someone screamed. "CALM YOURSELF, SHUT UP, AND SIT DOWN!" I yelled. "We are starting training now. No more being stupid. Soul cannot win. Our black magic defeats purity, and let's make sure that's always the same. Let's go Anti-Soul! We will win this war, and kill every human left on Earth if necessary," I yelled. Everybody cheered, and began to train for war. This battle is one we won't forget.

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