Living Space

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  • Dedicated to Charlie Truxillo


     “What do you mean?” Whitney asked me, cocking her head to the side. I fluttered over to the bookshelves then stood on the ground on the opposite side of the desk from where Whitney was. “Whitney, you might want to sit down for this. This is a huge deal,” I warned. Whitney sat in one of the soft blue chairs facing her desk. I looked her keenly in the eye and released everything I knew.

     “President Emerald has been the same President of the United States from 2012 to now. He ran against himself for years. The presidential races have always been between the same people but in a different body. Obama versus Romney, for example were both the same people. No matter the outcome or political costs, the results would have been the same regardless,” I explained. “How did you find this out?” Whitney asked, clearly interested. “Well, I was doing my daily routine of helping the spirits cross over, and then President Emerald ran into me. I noticed something weird about his aura and energy,” I stated. “Like what?” Whitney asked. “Umm… well, he didn’t really have the aura like a living creature would. The living have emotions and can feel things. He had the aura of a rock. The energy on the other hand was there, but it wasn’t like how it would be for you and me. His aura was white, which is often the color aura for death. That was weird since he’s supposedly quote-on-quote ‘living.’ That’s when I looked at his energy and as I said it was flat, so-” I explained until I was interrupted. “So he’s dead… He’s not human! Then why is he doing this to us?” Whitney cried. “He wants to hide his true identity,” I said flatly.

     “You don’t understand Chloe! Anti-Soul is supposed to merge with us!” Whitney screamed. “HE CAN’T DO THAT! THERE’S NOT ENOUGH ROOM! WHAT ABOUT US? WHERE WILL WE SLEEP? WE DON’T HAVE ENOUGH FOOD AT ALL!” I felt energy of anger surround my body. I felt a giant cloud of darkness consume my body and I did my best to hold in the destruction that would be caused and prevent harm to Whitney. “Chloe calm down. We’ll be okay. Please, don’t hurt me,” Whitney trembled with each word. I looked at her and realized I had her pinned to the wall. “I’m so sorry Whitney! I-I didn’t mean to… I’m awful!” I cried. Warm, salty tears streamed down my face as my heart wretched with guilt.

     “Chloe, stop it’s okay. You didn’t hurt me. Calm down,” Whitney consoled.  “Sorry Whitney. I don’t know what came over me.” “President Emerald hasn’t told me when he plans to check for survivors,” Whitney informed me. I heard a sound of someone clearing their throat, and a turned my head quickly to the wooden stairs. “A word, if I may,” President Emerald spoke in his deep, serious, baritone voice. “Yes sir, “I muttered as my wings allowed me to briskly exit the room with ease.


     “Whitney, you and the other Peacekeepers need to check Anti-Soul for survivors. It is nearing dusk and we need everyone here before Midnight. Understood?” President Emerald commanded. “Sir, with all respect, I do not think we have enough space to allow Anti-Soul into Soul. Also,” I looked up at him as his voice boomed across the walls. “WHITNEY DO WHAT I SAY AND DO IT NOW! ANTI-SOUL IS LIVING HERE! END OF DISCUSSION!” His words echoed throughout the office above the cabin as I ran down the stairs to gather what is left of the Anti-Soul population.


     Once I was at the snow-covered rusty gates that guarded Soul, I reached into my light blue pocket for my walkie-talkie. “Aiken, I need you at the front gates. What is your position?” I heard static for a few moments, and then Aiken answered me. “I was in a briefing meeting with President Emerald. I am currently at the Peacekeepers’ cabin in Soul. I’m heading your way. Bring the shape shifters for protection. Anti-Soul is going to be rough,” he told me. “Copy that; standing by at the gates. Peacekeeper Annika, what is your position?” I asked. A high pitched squeal came over the walkie-talkie, “O-M-G Whitney! This is so exciting! O-M-G I see you!!!!” I turned around. “Peacekeeper Annika, this is serious. You need to stop spazzing out and control yourself!” I scolded. She blew me off and danced around as we waited for the other hunters and peacekeepers.

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