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    After Apollo said that, they flashed me up to Olympus, I understood that they couldn't just make me disappear, the other gods would figure that out.

    "Perseus Jackson! You are accused of aiding Kronos and Gaea in the wars by spying on the gods! How do you plead?" Zeus thundered.

    "How did you guys win if I were spying?" I raised an eyebrow. Zeus glared down at me but I never faltered. If I'm going down, I'm going down with a fight.

     "Because you originally planned on winning with Kronos but then you realized that there would be another chance so you defeated him." Zeus shrugged. That actually wasn't exactly dumb. Only dumb thing about it is that he is accusing me of doing that.

     "No. I would never think of that. Besides, I've never really cared about what happened, as long as as little people got hurt." I shrugged. I suddenly realized that my hands were chained behind my back and my feet were shackled so I couldn't run if I tried.

    "Liar!" Zeus screamed and threw his bolt at me. My eyes widened and I dove to the side, only my side getting skinned. The fresh cut buzzed with electricity, and I was shocked that I wasn't dead. My body seemed to absorb the lightning, and the lightning somehow stitched up the cut.

     "Even the lightning heals him." Ares said with a raised eyebrow, as if trying to find more ways to get him in trouble. "Must've been bless or something in order to get that power." Ares mused. My eyes widened, I didn't even know I could do that, how in Hades was I suppose to be blessed?

     "Perseus Jackson, you are hereby sentenced to Tartarus for 10 000 earth years!" Zeus growled dangerously. His eyes glowed in anger as he zapped the ground with his bolt, right under me. I screamed and gripped the edge, trying not to fall into my worst nightmare. Time was different. He said 'earth years' meaning it has too, and I don't want to die there.

    "No! I don't want to die there! Please!" I begged at tears began to gather in my eyes. I'm not much of a begging type, unless it was about food, but this was an exception. Imagine gripping onto an edge for dear life, seem fun? Didn't think so.

    "Brother, please reconsider-" my dad pleaded with Zeus.

   "Or else what?" Zeus yelled at Poseidon, who seemed to be getting angrier at the second.

    "Or else I will start war!" Poseidon threatened.

   "No!" I yelled. Artemis walked up to me angrily. She seemed to hate me more for some reason, and it's not about me being a guy.

    "This is what you get, for assaulting my newest huntress, Annabeth Chase, in more ways than one." Artemis growled before stepping on my fingers. It didn't take long for me to realize that there were nails attached to the bottom. I gritted my teeth as I slowly lost grip of the ledge.

    "Artemis!" Apollo yelled angrily, before tackling her away from the edge. Unfortunately, the weight on my fingers were somehow helping me keep my grip, so I fell. I heard the gods that cared for me scream, or that was me. Maybe both.

      It's been hours, possibly even days. The air grew thinner and everything turned darker. I could hear the sound of monsters roaring from ways away, and I could tell I was nearing the bottom.

     I couldn't believe it, Annabeth became a huntress. That's why she went on about me 'mistreating' her. She wanted to get to Olympus' strongest allies. If she could get trained by them, she would become strong enough to defeat all of them, and then kidnap Artemis. That's her plan, go for the enemies allies before the enemies themselves.

     I screamed once I saw the bottom, I still had some distance, so I grabbed Riptide, and tied a rope to it, and hope that this will work. I threw Riptide and grabbed onto the end of the rope that wasn't tied to the sword. Riptide embedded itself into a column and my fall instantly slowed. I braced myself as I hit the column.

   Once I was on the ground, with a broken nose, I wandered around the column. A column means a building, probably destroyed. I wandered until I saw a mark of some sort. My fingers lingered over it. It was a face of a hellhound carved into another column I found. The eyes seemed to glow a dark red when I traced over it. When I pressed on one of the eyes, it seemed to sink in, so I decided to also press the other eye. Suddenly the ground started shaking, knocking me off my feet.

    When I looked back up, there was a building- no, not a building, it was a fucking mansion! It wasn't Nyx's, I knew that for a fact, because this mansion wasn't dark and mysterious, no, it was white, silver, and black. And it sure as hell wasn't mysterious. Windows covered the walls, letting the light from inside shone out.

    "Well, this surely changes things." I smirked and walked  to the mansion. No one was around, so this surely was abandoned. After wandering around for a while, I was suddenly grabbed. I tried holding my breath, knowing what was on the cloth. The person stabbed my shoulder and I couldn't stop the yell that came out of my mouth. Everything started going dark and I fell unconscious.

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