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    "Let me train you." Was all he sad. My eyes widened, and suddenly he stood up, his seemingly broken ankle wasn't broken, it just wasn't there. He was missing a freaking foot. But he still walked like it was there. No he didn't have crutches, he floated more or less.

    "I don't even know you." I said skeptically. He nodded, or at least it looked like he did, I couldn't see through the non existent light of the cave. Suddenly something caught fire, and I realized it was his hand.

    "You have now seen my face, and I have now seen yours. You have seen my set back and I already know yours. Let me train you. I know you want war against Nyx. I've been waiting to long for someone to step up against her." He said, bowing his head to me respectfully.

     "I hope you know, training me will make us alliances, and you will have to work with the hellhounds." I said pointedly. He nodded, setting a fireplace on fire to heat up the cave, although it was plenty warm. He probably used it for a light.

    "I do know, starting a war takes allies and friends. And sometimes a touch of romance." He whispered the last bit quietly, but my hound hearing heard him clearly, but I decided to act dumb.

    "What was that last bit?" I asked. He bit the inside of his cheek noticeably.

    "Nothing of importance. Now, your training begins! Let's begin with your strength." And when he said that. I knew I was doomed...

     It had been years, and I barely got the boulder up and down the mountain 100 times. I was always sore. He made me push a boulder every day, not letting me break until it was up, then he made me do 100 push up, hundred sit up, and a hundred squats. It was torture, but of course I was thankful.

    I'm sleep deprived, hungry, and thirsty, but my trainer says it is a good thing. Because when I get sleep and all the health I need, my fighting will excel by 2x than when I'm in my unhealthy state. He plans on giving me everything and then testing me, then train me when I'm healthy. I'm excited. It's been 60 Tartarus years of this torture, another 40 will be a year in the above.

    Can't believe it's almost been two years for them, me being gone. For them, they think that they will all be dead when I come up, but I plan on coming much sooner than they think. As soon as my kid is of age. My kid is either 1 or 140. My trainer says human kids born in Tartarus age by human years, but I don't know, my child is a kid of Nyx. I just wish I knew the gender, or the name. I could piece it together if only I could get the name!

     Things have been stressful as always, and I'm out of practice with my powers, but coach says that he cannot train me with elemental training or anything other than strength, because he said he was raised by fists not swords. He used the reference quite often, he says if I learn how to control my strength, than I can learn to control my weakness, and balance them. But with swords, it is kind of taking the easy was out. I'd taken it to heart, except I know that with powers it could make be a better far distance fighter and better when I am in dire situations without a weapon or defence.

    "Perseus!" My coach barked at me. I walked over calmly. He seemed like a scary person, he really did, but he was just a mere pup. Looked big but wasn't all that mean.

    "Sir?" I asked innocently. My core hurt, along moth my arms, back, and legs, and I thought I would collapse. He looked me up and down, probably looking at how tired and sore I seemed, and I was worse than I looked. My hair had outgrown, and I debated catching it on fire, but of course, my coach threw a fit at the idea, said the risk of catching my new ears on fire is to high.

    "It's time. You get a two week break. For 40 years you will train your strength at your temporary peak, and for the last couple years *sigh* I will teach you with powers." He grimaced while telling me he will train me with powers. I jumped in excitement, I felt like I could push the boulder up the mountain.

    "Ooo, what kind of powers?!" I said like a little Aphrodite girl talking about makeup. He rolled his eyes at me, but proceeded to answer me.

    "Not what you would expect. You wonder how I float around all the time?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, and suddenly I was curious, he did always float around, because of his missing foot. I nodded in response.

    "Power of the brain." He said with a grin, like it was the coolest thing ever, and I'll admit, it was very cool.

   "Thank you, sir." I said while bowing before running to the cave where we have been hiding. It isn't much different, other than the coziness that had come over the place. We added a small, rundown bed and a couch, both huddled near the camp fire.

    It was nearing night, and it was getting cold. That's how I count days, by the temperature. Star showed me so I could know and so I can know how long I've been here. I've kept tract, and I wouldn't know without it. I want to meet my kid, and keeping track of their age gives me a sort of comfort.

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