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    "So, so naive." I heard a familiar voice say disapprovingly. I blinked rapidly before my eyes adjusted to darkness, even more darkness than before. By the seems, I was in a cell.

    "Nyx?" I asked. That's why this place came out of no where. I don't remember it being here last time, should've known that this would be an ambush.

     "Usually I wouldn't trouble myself so. A mere demigod cannot entertain me, although you are a different occasion." She said evilly. I shifted nervously, realizing I wasn't chained. I could make a run for it, except I didn't see an exit.

     "What entertainment do you think I could give?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. I needed to distract her, to find a way to escape. She laughed a heartless laugh, but instantly stopped and glared.

    "You had embarrassed my reputation, so I ruined yours, or at least suggested it to your 'wise girl.'" Nyx smirked cruelly. She and Annabeth were working together this entire time! I knew that even this much planning would require more than one person.

    "This entire time, you put up with her?" I asked with a scoff. Nyx looked like she was about to go on a rant, which was good.

    "I don't get how. She annoyed me so much! Especially with the 'that won't work's and the 'no you moron!'s. That daughter of Athena with the flaw of hubris! The nerve of that girl! I could blast her to bits if I wanted to!" Nyx said annoyedly.

    "Now that she and I broke up, I don't get why I liked her. She was so talkative." I said as if I was annoyed as well. Nyx nodded and growled.

    "I should kill her once I start and finish the war I plan on starting. Sadly that isn't going to be for a while." Nyx sighed sadly. "2 wars to close in time together. They will get lazy. And when they do, that's when I will strike!" She shouted and threw her dagger at the wall, embedding it deep. That's when I stood up while she glared at the wall as if it were Zeus' throne.

     I ran to her and tackled her, that simple, except she had more than 1 weapon, which I probably should've thought about. "Well, I'm fucked." I mumbled to myself after she brought out a sword and nearly impaled me. I brought Riptide out. We seemed to circle at each other for a moment, until she scoffed and put her sword away, and I felt like I should do the same, it's obvious that there is no escape.

     "You will never win a battle unless you are not afraid to charge." Nyx scoffed. I raised my eyebrow. Advice from her.

    "You will never win a battle unless you are smart with your actions." I said right after her, and it pissed her off. Although I didn't really care. I suddenly realized that there was a window.

    "Know that we are 50 stories up. You jump, you die." Nyx said, taking notice that I was glancing at the window.

    "I stay I die." I said and jumped through the window, well, not exactly. I bounced right off of it.

    "You jump, you come right back." Nyx laughed evilly, although that's the only way she laughs. "Guards, take him to his assigned cell." She said and walked right through the wall. A door opened up right after she left, and two big guards came in and dragged me away.

    It's been a couple hours, and I've been trying to find things to occupy myself. One of the guards gave me a rubber ball and I was bouncing it off the wall. My cell didn't look like a cell, well, not a prisoner one at least. This cell had a queen sized bed with black bedding, the walls still looked rundown, but the floor wasn't covered in crap or blood. It was actually partially swept.

    "Lady Nyx is ready to see you now." The guard on the left stated.

    "You make it sound as if she wants a meeting with him, we both know that's not why." The guard on the right said with a chuckle. I heard the guy on the left sigh, mumbling something about idiots and needing a new partner.

    I was chained up and had Riptide taken away from me, and I knew it would come back, but not for a while. They kept tossing me back and forth, laughing when I fell and couldn't get back up, I was chained up, what do you expect? By the time we had gotten to the desired destination, I was being dragged by my hair, my feet kicking behind me to try and lessen the pain, and the two guards laughing at me.

    They shoved me into a dark room that had chains everywhere, but in the middle of the room, there was a table sitting in the centre of the room, filled with drinks and foods of all sorts. I was unchained and the two guards left me to myself. I debated if I should trust what was on the table, but I was hella hungry and thirsty, as if I hadn't had anything to eat or drink for days.

    I carefully walked towards the table, I know that if I make one wrong move, I will possibly be done for if I reach for it, but I will be done for if I don't eat either. I reached for a glass of what appeared to be water.

"Perseus, you are welcome to take whatever you please. Three drinks and 3 foods though, I have other prisoners that need my attention." Nyx said coming out of a dark corner. I jumped and stared at her, what other prisoners?

I picked up the cup carefully, this could be poisoned, or can burn my insides painfully. I should probably stop thinking about what could happen. I put the cup to my lips and drank it, looking at Nyx and she played with her powers, making food disappear and come back, closer to me than it was before.

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