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    The landscape was rough, and the air tore at my skin, nothing I wasn't used to. I find comfort in this familiar place. I continued to wander Tartarus, and I have for 10 years. A little more than a month in the above. I haven't gotten any training, and that is causing me to lose my skill. Yeah, I still practice by myself, but no monster is willing to fight me, so I cannot test my skill in battle. I miss my pack and I miss Atlas.

    Atlas and I had gotten close, it's why I so recklessly decided that I would take the sky from him as soon as I can. I'm going to get a couple cyclops to take the sky, as soon as I can at least. I need to gain their trust. I have succeeded in getting allies though, none are willing to train me though.

    I have yet to know of my child's gender or name, and I was getting to the point of storming there and breaking in. That sparked an idea in me, Nyx had mentioned other prisoners when I was there, she obviously wasn't lying. If I freed them, they would be in my dept, I can make them train me to whatever extent then order them to take the sky.

    Who am I? Would I actually do that? Force someone under the sky to save a friend? Do I feel the need to order people around? I thought back to when I was with the pack, I had started taking more charge, I told the hounds what to do and when to do it. Maybe I have become controlling, but there is a reasonable reason behind it, right? Maybe I let my personal feelings towards Nyx get the best of me. My only worry is killing her. I don't care Annabeth betrayed me, honestly, I rarely ever thought about that, but what Nyx did was unforgettable.

     Is there really a difference though? The girl I though I would grow old with betrayed me, and got everyone else to betray me to. All Nyx did was give me a potion and got me to have a child with her. Which is worse? Well, I did still have people who cared for me in the above, what were their names again? I remember the gods, but there were two others.

    Am I really forgetting their names? I remember the gods and Titans, simple information, I'm in Tartarus, you can't forget the ones who sent you here and who you share your home with. Nico and Malcolm! Those were the names of the two who stayed with me! I felt bad for forgetting. Would Bianca be disappointed? I shook my head, she is dead. She can't watch me in Tartarus. And why should I be blamed? I've been busy training and trying to forget. Maybe I succeeded, in forgetting. But maybe I shouldn't have forgotten, maybe I don't want to forget, my past is a huge part of me.

    "Ha, ha, ha. Perseus Jackson." Was that really my last name? I forgot that. I forgot what my old nickname was too, Percy, yeah, I went by Percy. I use to hate my real name, now I love it.

    "What do you need?" I asked the voice. I circled around, my right hand holding Riptide and my left hand had claws springing out of them, ready to slice whoever tried to get close. My claws were my favourite. Simple and useful.

    "Well I saw that people were lining up to be able to train you, yet no one could find you. I think it's about time you got trained by a primordial." I recognized the voice now, Tartarus. I nodded and bowed in the direction the voice was coming from.

    "Thank you, Tartarus, sir." I said, straightening up. I knew this was going to be a crazy century of training, and I was looking forward to it.

      "Feint left, duck! Back off! Charge! Restart!" Tartarus shouted in frustration. I wasn't getting this stupid attack plan or whatever it is. I kept messing up whenever he said feint. And it isn't because I don't know the meaning. I was sweating buckets, and I felt ready to collapse. I thought my stamina and strength was as far as it was going to excel, apparently not.

    "How many years has it been?" I asked while panting, preparing to start the simulation again. I was getting annoyed with hearing the same maneuverers.

    "Only 3 years has passed. And as soon as you learn this, we can move on. So hurry up because I am losing my patience with you." Tartarus growled. I knew he wasn't one to take lightly. So I relaxed my muscles and cracked my knuckles so they were no longer cramped.

   I faced my enemy, which is this simulator, was Annabeth. Tartarus figured that I might as well unleash my anger while learning, and he thought Annabeth would be a perfect punching bag. I didn't disagree. I never felt better in my life, letting my anger go. I stood in position until Tartarus told me to start. He had me on a timer and I only had 5 minutes to finish this battle. It doesn't help that this hologram fights back.

    I did an upper cut swing onto her blade, but her grip was to strong on her blade, so it only knocked her off balance. She went to impale me in my left side, so I ducked and faked a left, then used my hidden dagger and stabbed her in her right side while she was dazed by my move. The hologram faded into dust.

    "Finally, not exactly what I had instructed, but quicker and more precise then the rest." Tartarus nodded in approval. I bowed, I was finally done with that stupid simulator! Tartarus handed me a wet cloth so I could wipe my face. I was finally finished 3 years worth of training. Another 97 to go, yay. Note the sarcasm.

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