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"It has been 70 years, Perseus, and I decided to give you my blessing. You have, unfortunately, grown on me." Tartarus sighed. I smirked, a smirk I've been able to put on my face once again.

"Thank you, sir." But of course, I haven't gotten my sarcastic replies back. Sass and sarcasm don't even come to my mind.

"I will spend the next 30 years training you how to use them. No, you will not have wings or anything incredibly over powered, but you will be able to shadow travel like a child of Hades, and you will be able to communicate with monsters of every kind. There are others you can learn, but those require something you don't have yet." Tartarus informed me. I scowled, what don't I have yet that will make me learn these other powers?

"What don't I have? Don't be vague with me!" I growled slightly. I know Tartarus could kill me, I don't care. I don't think I deserve to live.

"You will find out one day. But until then, you do not lose your patience with me." Tartarus threatened. I growled under my breathe, refusing to look him in the eyes. Atlas would've been straightforward with me.

"Yes sir." I said, bowing my head slightly. I missed Atlas, and my pack. Maybe I should visit the pack. I felt my face steel up, throwing up the mask that I have since I came across Nyx. Since she used me for my spawn.

"Let's get started then." Tartarus said, before chanting.

"Εγώ, Τάρταρα, ευλογεί τον Περσέα Τζάκσον και να του δώσει τις δυνάμεις των παιδιών μου. Θα χρησιμοποιεί τις εξουσίες του για καλό." He chanted, and suddenly a stream of darkness rushed into my chest. I felt the raw power go through my blood stream, seemingly in sync with my heart beat.

"Thank you." I said and bowed. Tartarus nodded his head and stalked away. I walked to the room I've been staying in. Since Tartarus has a palace, I have my own, comfortable bedroom. I don't come in here much, I hardly sleep. I come in here to change only. Tartarus doesn't have water, and Tartarus doesn't need it, so there is no point. My body has grown accustomed to the little amount of food and water I get.

I have yet to receive any information on my child. I don't understand why I'm so worried about it, I know nothing about them, and they probably hate me because they think I left them. Is it because I know that my child was only born to be used? Is it because I've always wanted kids? No, I can't think of this, it isn't important.

"Gods I'm so different." I mumbled to myself. I stared myself down in my body mirror, I'm littered in small cuts and bruises from the practice fights I participate in often. I have my white irises, whatever the supposed white part of my eye is black, and my pupils are a light grey with specks of sea green. The sea green are extremely prominent, and I've been told that in the dark, they look like a predator's, dangerous.

My body is now slim but still muscular, little and big cuts and scars cover my body, and I won't lie when I say some are self inflicted. I deserve it anyways. I still forget people's names often, I can't remember the number of the prophecy, it was either 7 or 9, I can't remember. When I return it will be so damn awkward. I can just imagine it.

"Hey! It's you, sorry, I've been in Tartarus for a couple hundred years, sorry if I don't remember your names, or you in general." Gods that would be horrible. I carved two names into my arms, Nico and Malcolm, they were the ones who stuck with me. Every once in a while I would get flashbacks of quests I've been on. I can't remember the satyrs name, Grain? Grape? Grand? Grover? Grover! I've never seen him in a while. He never betrayed me I don't think.

So I spend the next hour, trying to write his name without totally messing up. Wait! Don't I still have the mind link or whatever with him? We couldn't get rid of it because of the risk, so it might still be there. I don't think distance matters, would it?

'Hey Grover, man? Any chance you hear me?' Yeah yeah, I'm trying. It's been a while. I probably seem pathetic, but if it means I can do 1 more thing to my list of abilities, I'm good. Oh no, I sound power hungry.

'Percy! Where the Hades are you? Camp has been looking for you for the last 3 years!' Grover bleated angrily. I squinted my eyebrows in confusion. They knew I was in Tartarus, didn't they?

'I've been in Tartarus for the last 3 years, at least it's been 3 years for you guys. It's only almost been 300 years for me.' I said with a chuckle. It felt weird talking, well, thinking so casually again. At least I know we can still talk.

'What have you been doing all this time? 300 years! Must be boring man!' Grover said sympathetically.

'I've been training so I can get revenge on Nyx, because when I first landed here, she abducted me, then gave me a love potion or something and made me get her pregnant.' I explained. I hated explaining that, for the most part, I never have to, but when I do, it pisses me off to no end.

'Oh, well, that sounds jolly.' Grover said tightly. I sighed.

'Is, um, what's her name? Anna? Annabel? Annabeth? Yes Annabeth, is she still at camp?' I asked. Of course Grover burst out laughing, and it did hurt my head, but I chuckled myself.

'She is with the hunters of Artemis.' Grover explained quickly. 'How many names have you forgotten?' Grover asked as a follow up question.

'Annabeth is working with Nyx to start another war. That's why she started spreading rumours about me, saying I was abusing her and shit. She wanted to kidnap Artemis. And I forgot almost everyone's names. I just remembered your name today, sorry man.' I said apologetically.

'I need to tell the gods. And who's names do you remember?' Grover asked in curiosity. I laughed.

'Yours, Nico's, and Malcolm's. I really have to think to remember other names. How is my sister?' I asked. I actually completely forgot about her. I felt bad now, she was my half sister, I should've been able to remember her.

'She is six now. Paul is seeing someone now, and Sally is in the Elysium.' Grover said sadly. I missed my mom.

'That's good, as long as they are carrying on with their lives.' I was mainly trying to convince myself. Does my sister remember me? Do I even deserve to be in someone's memory while I'm forgetting about them?

'So tell me, who has been training you?' Grover asked. Of course he was curious.

'Well, Nyx poured some hellhound blood and some chemicals on me so I am now a hellhound hybrid. So I trained with the hellhounds for one hundred years. I'm their king. Then I travelled for a bit, came across a cave where a mysterious guy trained me. Turned out to be Atlas in the end. I trained with him for a hundred and ten years. Then I roamed for 10 years, then Tartarus got his hands on me and I just got his blessing. I've been training with him for 70 years.' I said.

'When you put it like that, it seems like forever." Grover laughed. I smirked.

'Well it would only be a year for you guys. But yeah, forever for me.' I laughed in my thoughts. It was already a couple hours, so I had to go. 'Ey, I have to go, training. Talk whenever I can.' I told him, not waiting for a response.

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