Chapter 55

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Cally's pov

That night, we didn't sleep. Newt and I had been up all night, talking and eating. We talked about life in the Glade, about Minho and Alby, Ezra, Chuck, and even the Newbie. At one point, we had started talking about the girl, and it took me a lot of self-control not to let him know that I knew anything. I had promised Alby that I wouldn't tell anyone, so that's what I intended to do. Keep it between Alby and me.
     While we were talking, neither of us was keeping track of the time, it was only when the first rays of sunshine shone over the walls that we noticed we had been talking all night. I let my gaze go over the table, it was filled with plates and bowls and two cups from the food we had eaten.
     "Maybe we should clean this up before, you know, Frypan has us crucified." I joked slightly, making Newt laugh.
     "Yeah, good that."
     As we put the leftovers back in the fridge and cleaned up the mess we had made, I could see the worry creep back into Newt's expression. It had disappeared when we were talking. He was laughing and joking around with me, like there was nothing wrong, nothing troubling him, nothing to worry about. But now we weren't talking anymore and just cleaning, it seemed that it all came flooding back.
     I hadn't noticed I was staring at him until he turned around, locking eyes with me. I snapped out of it and turned to put the bowl with blueberries back into the fridge.
     "Cally?" Newt's voice sounded from behind me. I turned around, thinking he had noticed me staring.
     "Yeah?" I answered while leaning back against the refrigerator, waiting for him to continue.
     "Do you... do you know if Alby and Minho are gonna be alright?" His question caught me a little by surprise. I had already tried to remember what was about to happen to the two Gladers, but I couldn't. Ever since I got back from the box for the second time, I couldn't remember. It was like there was a big hole between the moment Teresa showed up and when the walls wouldn't close. And even after the moment that the walls wouldn't close, I only remembered a few things.
     "Cals?" Newt asked again to get my attention.
     I rubbed my right hand against my left arm while I looked at the ground again, "I can't remember..." I whispered.
     "Why not?" Newt's voice was a bit harsh, but I knew that was because of the nerves.
     "Like I told you before, ever since I came back out of that fucking hedge... my memories are... it's like there's a big black hole where they were and it's sucking in more memories at every bugging moment."
     It was quiet for a moment, but when Newt spoke up again I shushed him. "What?" He asked, but I pressed my hand against his mouth, I could hear voices coming from inside the Homestead. Apparently Newt had noticed as well, "Frypan," he whispered as he grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen through a back door. I closed it the moment I came through it, just in time because the lights got turned on less then a second later.
     Newt pulled me along, away from the back of the Homestead, the moment our eyes met, we couldn't help but laugh; apparently waking up some Shank. "Keep it down!" He hissed at us, "some Shanks are still trying to sleep!"
     I tried to keep myself from laughed as I apologized, but there was still a giggle audible through my words. As I turned my attention back to Newt, he breathed in to say something, but the moment he did, there was a loud bark that got my attention.
     I turned around to stand in the direction from the sound and saw a brown dog running at me, "hey Barky!" I called out as I had knelt down and she attacked my face with kisses. "Hey girly!"
     "Slim it." The same Glader as before bit at me, I rolled my eyes and turned back to my favorite Glader.
     "How did you get out of my room?" I asked her, my voice hushed slightly. Of course she didn't react, but somebody else answered for her.
     "I let her out. The shug thing was barking the entire Homestead together."
     I looked up to see Minho. "Ow slim it, Pretty boy. That's not true." I turned my head back to the dog, cupped her head in my hands and spoke to her in the typical I'm-talking-to-my-pet, voice. "'cause you wouldn't do that? Would you? No you wouldn't." I could hear Minho make a gagging sound.
     "Stop the dog talk, it's disgusting."
     I chuckled as I petted Bark one last time and stood up, "you're weak."
     "No, the Shank's right," Newt said. "It really is bloody disturbin'."
     I glared at the two, but Minho and Newt just laughed. Making me sigh and look down at Bark, "I'm lucky I've got you." I said to her while she looked back up at me with her tongue sticking out of her mouth.
     "Yeah, you really are one lucky Shank, I'm sure the two of you have very deep, meaningful conversations." Minho teased.
     "Shouldn't you be running around a Maze or something?" I responded with a slight glare.
     "Calm your wads, sis. I'll be leaving soon. I just came to get Newton."
     While he said Newt's name he turned his attention to him, "Alby wants to talk to you before we leave." Newt nodded before we all followed Minho into the Homestead.

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