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Jungkook frowned as he was inside the closet.

What were his hyungs hiding from him?

"Whatever, why are you even here anyways?" Jin asked and Jungkook heard his footsteps going further away.

"Can't Jungkookie visit his hyungs?" Jun smiled innocently at Jin while changing his voice which made Jin bite his lip in annoyance.

" Still affected by my acting of him aren't you?" Jun suddenly sat on the bed and looked towards the large painting of the seven young boys in the big room.

"Why can't you all just accept me?" Jun stated as he stood up from the bed and went to examine the large painting. "I did everything to be like him, countless surgeries just to look like my brother." Jun frowned as he turned back to look at Jin. "Even had voice lessons and all that crap!"

"I tried so hard to get along with all of you, yet all of you are always trying to push me away! You won't even give me a chance." Jun held his head down low before continuing, "Don't you think that I'm also sad for my baby brother? I feel guilty but maybe we all need this fresh new start." Jun started walking towards Jin again who was quiet.

"You never gave him a chance as well, did you? Now you're treating me like that. But I will not be like my weak brother." Jun smirked as he faced the elder.

"S-Stop this, Jun. We're sorry. We won't mess with you." Jin bit his lip again to refrain his tears from escaping. He worried that the real Jungkook who was inside the closet heard all of that and started to have doubts as well.

Maybe they couldn't keep him as their secret forever.

Jungkook never felt this uncomfortable before, He was in this cramped closet and it was really hot. He didn't know how many hours had passed since he was hidden in here.

He was about to fall asleep after the room dimmed, due to the light being turned off, he guessed that it was probably already nightime and the guy went to sleep, noticing the small faint snores he had heard.

His eyes were getting tired, more and more as time passed by.

As he was about to be welcomed into the arms of slumber, He suddenly saw a figure right infront of him, He narrowed his eyes at the blurry vision of a boy who was crouching infront of him, who had his head hidden in his crossed arms. The white closet he was shoved into turned a dark wood, and he heard quiet sobs from the boy he saw.

He frowned as he felt a cold shiver run down his spine as the boy lifted his head up, what mortified him was not the tears flowing down his cheeks, nor the small red scars he had littered onto his arms, He was mortified of seeing himself crying inside a closet like what he was in, He was about to crawl near himself when he was startled awake, awake from another dream of seeing himself, something that his own memories couldn't even supply.

"J-Jungkookie?" He glanced towards his side, to see Taehyung facing him in dim lighting.

"H-Hyung?" He whispered back and Taehyung let out a strained smile, pitying the younger who looked really uncomfortable.

"Hyung is going to get you out, Let's keep quiet, yeah?" Taehyung smiled at the younger to reassure him, and Jungkook smiled back and reached his arms over Taehyung's neck, and Taehyung managed to lift the boy into his arms and quietly tiptoed from the closet and closing it with his feet, towards the door he left open.

He felt his whole body drain it's blood when Jungkook suddenly let out a sneeze, to which the younger clasped both of his hands infront of his mouth and nose. He glanced towards the elder with an apologetic look and Taehyung sighed as he glamced back to the sleeping man on the bed, who just shifted from his back to another position.

They both got out of the room and Hoseok, who was waiting outside the room, closed the door gently.

" 'm sorry, hyung." Taehyung softly kissed the younger's forehead and hurriedly went towards his room with Hoseok tagging along, where the rest of the members were waiting.

"Thank God you got him out." Yoongi sighed in relief as he saw the three of them enter the room.

Taehyung set the younger down on the bed and Jin immediately went to check his temperature and sadly realized they left their maknae to hide in that cramped closet with a fever.

"I'll go warm up some soup for him," Jimin stood up from the bed the moment he saw Jin's frown as he touched the youngest's forehead with the back of his hand.

"Jungkookie, you should rest up, You still have a high fever." Namjoon told the youngest who weakly shifted from a sitting position on the bed into lying down.

"We're sorry about the whole thing earlier jungkookie, but that guy is just a meanie and we wouldn't want you near him." Jin said and Jungkook nodded, even though his mind had a lot of thoughts swirling around.

"H-Hyungs? W-Who am I really?" Jungkook asked once Jimin was back with the soup.

"Y-You're our maknae, Jungkookie and we love you so much." Hoseok replied and the rest nodded.

"Why do you ask of this, Jungkook?" Yoongi asked and Jungkook frowned as he shrugged.

"I sometimes think that what you say is not true." Jungkook said with a cough, and the six members were left speechless.

"What did we say that isn't true?"

"That you guys love me."

"What? Jungkookie! That's nonesense! We all love you so much okay? We care for you and all that. Don't ever doubt it.. now, okay?" Jimin was the first to react and throw himself over the youngest, giving him a hug in which the youngest chuckled a bit.

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry, The thought just pops up in my head sometimes, I'll try not to think about it now, don't worry." Jungkook smiled at the rest of them and they all sighed.

"You should go to sleep now, hyungs. I'm also getting sleepy. Goodnight!" Jungkook smiled as they all chuckled fondly at him.

"I'm not going without my goodnight kiss!" Hoseok protested,
"Me neither!" Jin joined in,
"I won't leave until I get one!" Jimin also piped up,
"I think I also need one!" Namjoon said as he pointed towards his cheek
"I mean, one wouldn't be so bad" Yoongi huffed as he looked away, cheeks tinting a bit.
"It's my room, so I think I also deserve one!" Taehyung added.

Jungkook laughed, his chest was warm at his hyungs.

He did, infact gave them all goodnight kisses on their cheeks and bid them goodbye, as Taehyung draped a blanket over themselves as he went to bed next to the youngest.

He felt very happy with his hyungs.

And he couldn't wait to wake up to be with them again tomorrow.

- - - - -

Deeply sorry for the long wait for an update! I'm horrible, ya'll could hit me.

Alot came up with school, as I am graduating and I didn't have time, so I apologize. I'll try to be better next time.

Also Wattpad couldn't let me log in! It's such a pain :((

Comments on the story are appreciated, I feel that I lack more with my writing now.

with love,
mari 💖

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