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"Hello? Who is this and how did you get my number?" Jin asked as he saw an unknown number calling him over and over again from earlier. The first and second time, he thought someone just dialed a wrong number. No one shouldn't have his own number aside from his family, the staff and his own members.

It scared him to think that a fan might have gotten his number.

After the tenth ring on his phone he had no other choice but to pick up and the question from earlier was what he quickly asked the caller.

"Woah, Easy there Jin. It's just me." Jin instantly frowned at the annoying voice and sighed.

"What do you want, Jun?" Jin huffed as he turned the stove off, He was currently cooking for a sick Jungkook who suddenly caught the flu.

"I've been trying to call you since earlier, I'm visiting your house." Jun stated and Jin instantly panicked as he ran towards their staircase.

"W-What? Why would you show up uninvited? You have your own apartment." Jin said to his phone as he struggled to find their leader, or maybe even Yoongi.

"Y-Yeah, I'm just around the corner, I just felt like visiting you guys." Jin rolled his eyes at Jun's tone as he opened the door to Namjoon's room and saw the younger laying down on his bed with his headphones on, looking quite startled at the eldest barging into his room without knocking.

"I-Is Namjoon hyung there?" Jin rolled his eyes at the soft tone Jun used when he addressed their leader as hyung.

Out of the six of them, Jun only respected Namjoon the most, The kid probably had this weird crush on their leader.

"He is, but he's asleep at the moment." Namjoon kept staring at his hyung on the phone, but widened his eyes as he saw that the eldest mouthed "Jun" to him.

"O-Oh, You're the only member who didn't block my number or anything so I called you, I'll be there in about 5 minutes. See you Jin." With that, Jun ended the call and Jin sighed as he threw his phone towards Namjoon's bed.

"Why did that asshole call you?" Namjoon asked "He's coming over in 5 minutes. We need to hide Jungkook from him." With that, Both the eldest and the leader of the group rushed upstairs where they could see Hoseok who was taking care of the youngest who was sick.

"H-How is he?" Jin asked as he sat down next to the maknae on his bed, Taking his right hand towards the younger's forehead and frowned.

"His fever is still high, He's been sneezing alot too. Poor Kookie." Hoseok frowned at their maknae who stared up at his hyungs, feeling really sad for being a burden to them just because he's sick.

"Hobi-ah, Can you call the rest of the members up here, we have something important to discuss." And with that, Hoseok stood up from the bed and ran out of the room to gather the rest of the members in Jungkook's room.

"Joon, how are we going to do this? Look at my poor maknae, He's sick." Jin looked at the leader worriedly and Namjoon just sighed.

"We have to hide him in Taehyung's room. Jun hates him the most and he'll definitely won't mess with his room." Namjoon stated and Jin nodded as the rest of the members who were gathered by Hoseok entered the room as quickly as possible.

"W-What's wrong?" Jimin piped up as he looked at his older hyungs in confusion.

"I'll take care of Kookie, You guys go outside and Namjoon will explain." Jin smiled at the youngest who pouted at him.

The five members stood outside of Jungkook's room and Namjoon leaned against the door after he closed it. The rest of his members looked at him in worry.

"Jun is coming here in about 3 minutes." Namjoon decided not to beat around the bush, which startled the rest of the members, "And we need to hide Jungkook from him. We can't keep him in this room because Jun always goes in it." Namjoon sighed as Yoongi suddenly interfered.

"But he's sick! We can't go hiding him, It'll be uncomfortable for the poor guy." Yoongi crossed his arms as his eyebrows furrowed. "I-I agree with Yoongi-hyung. It'll tire him alot." Hoseok agreed with his hyung, and just about when Jimin was going to have a say in the matter, they all paled as they suddenly heard the doorbell downstairs and the front door opening.

Namjoon suddenly rushed inside the room and startled Jin who was almost finished in lulling Jungkook to sleep.

"H-Hyung! He's downstairs! Hide him!" Jin widened his eyes and looked at the poor boy in his arms and carried him towards his closet.

He set the boy who was suddenly startled awake by his hyung.

Jungkook was set down inside of the closets and he stared up the eldest with a frown, "H-Hyung? What's going on?" Jin wanted to cry in frustration for doing this to the sick maknae but he still gave the youngest a smile.

"J-Jungkookie, Please listen to me okay?" Jungkook nodded and Jin continued on, "We're going to hide you in here for a short while okay? Please do not make any sounds and I will lock this closet and don't come out until another hyung takes you out, okay?" Jungkook nodded, confused on why would they do that while he's sick. "Y-You might see another guy coming in here, don't make a sound while he's in here, okay? He's a bad guy who will take you away from us, You don't want that to happen right, sweetheart?" Jin had tears flowing down his cheeks as he panicked, The sounds of footsteps coming towards this room let the anxiety in his chest grow.

"Please Jungkook, Please keep quiet okay?" Jungkook responded with a small "okay, hyung" and Jin kissed the maknae's forehead as he shut the closet doors close and locked it with a key.

He then proceeded on fixing the bed's bedsheets and taking all of the tissues Jungkook used and shoving them inside a flower vase near his bedside table. He also took the thermometer and placed it in his back pocket.

He glanced at the closet one last time as he was startled by the doors of the room opening, and a face that resembled their Jungkook came into view.


"Hi, It's been a while since I last visited. Thanks for tidying up the bed for me." Jun smirked at the eldest member and laid down the large bed.

"Can you take your shoes off first?" Jin said in annoyance but Jun chuckled and took his shoes off.

"Oh, Sorry! " Jun laughed at the frown on the eldest's face.

"Oh come on, Let me have my fun. I'm your maknae right?"

Jungkook who was inside the closet, winced at the words.

- - - - -

oof, i forgot to add an author's note, Hey guys I'm so sorry for being a bad author and updating once in a blue moon, I'm graduating soon and school has just been a pile of shit. (When is it not though.)

Hope you enjoyed this chap! I'll update soon 🤗

Please forgive me hehe also thank you to my readers who have been always waiting patiently for my updates, ya'll the best 💜💜💜

with love,
mari 💜

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