Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

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Aincrad the floating castle in the sky a beautiful creation all 100 floors of it created by the brilliant mind of Akihiko Kayaba. Sword Art Online the first VRMMORPG for the Nerve Gear only a few got to play the beta one of those few is Y/N L/N he managed to get a spot on the beta and get the full game when it came out he is on his computer looking at articles and videos of people buying the game. All he can do is smile he slides his chair over to his bed and lays on it he puts on his Nerve Gear and breathes "hey brother, it's your turn to watch Mika" his sister says as she leaves for kendo practice. "Link Start" Y/N says as he is sent to a screen asking him he wants to use his beta log-in he swipes yes to all questions then with a flash he is finally sent to the world of Aincrad.


I open my eyes and here I am the world I belong in I'm in Aincrad on the first floor in the town of beginnings I look around and see everyone logging in I check my inventory to see what I have and all I have is a broad sword and a bow. "Well time to get to some grinding done" I say to myself I begin walking down the street then I see a guy running fast "he's probably been in the beta" I say then another guy ran past me he was calling out to the other guy. I ran after the two to find out what was going on finally the two stopped "hey man you sure know your way around, you must of been in the beta" the guy in red said the other guy looked at him "yeah" he said "so was I but you don't see me running around" I spoke up the two turn around and see me "wait who are you, what so you where also in the beta" the guy in red said "yes I was in the beta and my ID is Shi, what's yours" I asked "my name is Klein" he answered "mines Kirito" the other guy said. Wait Kirito I know that name he and I where the two top beta testers "hey Kirito been awhile" was all I could say "same here Shi I see you used your beta avatar" Kirito said "you too" I responded "wait you two know each other" Klein said "yeah we where some of the top players in the beta" I said "well since you two know how things work how about giving me some pointers" Klein asked. Kirito and I looked at each other "sure why not" I said.

Time Skip

The three of us where out in a field far from the town Kirito and I where helping Klein on the basics of the game by having him fight boar enemies. "So Shi do you prefer swords or bows?" Klein asked "well honestly it depends on the what the situation calls for" I answered a boar charged at me to which a shot an arrow of hitting dead center in its head killing it using my sword skill "wow what was that?" Klein asked "that was Shi's sword skill" Kirito answered "how do I do that?" Klein asked "well you have to find a certain motion and charge your power then strike" Kirito said showing off his sword skill "go a head give it a try" I said Klein tried but nothing happened until a boar charged and hit him in the nads "oh my god that hurts" Klein said in pain on the ground "what are you doing?" Kirito and I asked Klein looked up at us "you do know there's a pain absorber that prevents any harm to your real body" Kirito said "so getting kicked in the balls doesn't hurt" Klein said getting up "yeah now let's try your sword skill again" I said sending another boar his way to which he got rammed in the nuts again he almost acted like it hurt but then remembered the pain sensor I gave Klein a potion and let him take a brake until I decide to speed things up by hitting a boar with a rock and having Kirito kick it over to Klein "come on Klein do it" I yelled. Klein charged up an attack then killed the boar with a single strike "I did it!" he cheered "you did good job" I said "man it felt like I was fighting a field boss" Klein said "sadly no that was just a regular monster spawn, they re-spawn quickly" Kirito said "oh man" Klein said bummed out "don't worry you'll get stronger" I said trying to cheer him up. We continued hunting wild boar for some time helping Klein getting stronger until we decided to take a break.

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