Chapter 14: The Heart

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June 24th; Floor 46: Town of Lindarth

We find ourselves in Lisbeth's blacksmith shop in Lindarth we find her sharpening Asuna's rapier. The two where talking and chatting up Lisbeth sees that Asuna is wearing earrings and teases her about seeing a boy and her going on a date with him. Asuna shot back by bringing up Lisbeth's unknown boyfriend which causes her to blush.

Lisbeth POV:
I still couldn't believe Asuna said that I don't have a boyfriend and I'd be to embarrassed to tell her about Shi she'd tease me non stop. I had finished sharpening her sword and gave it back to her "now go enjoy your date" I said teasingly "it's not like that oh by the Miko will drop by soon it's just that she's busy with the commander planning the next raid" Asuna said before she left the room. I laughed a little Asuna and Miko where always busy but it was good to see her smile I guess whoever the lucky guy was he made her happy. I took my gloves off and placed them down on the table I looked over at a picture it had all of my friends who logged in with me then another with all of us and Nilo that picture was taken after we had saved her from Laughing Coffin she hadn't smiled like that in forever only after Shi saved her. Thinking about Shi made me blush yes he was a great person he did some real incredible things like get me the house and this place he also avenged Nilo's parents but he was also brash and stupid he didn't care if he lived or died. I would have to constantly scold him especially that time he cut his finger off Nilo was scared half to death. I still questioned if I had grown feelings for him I didn't know if he was older than me or even his name did I really like him I mean when he and I where walking with Nilo people would saying things like "your daughter is cute" or "what a lovely couple" I don't think he cared but it bothered me some. I decided that I would wait if my feelings fell through I'd tell him how I felt.

Next Day

Lisbeth POV:
I was busy in the shop forging blades in the back each one I made wasn't really good. I soon heard the bell ding I stopped what I was doing and readied a smile on my face. "Hello welcome to Lisbeth's blacksmith shop" I said entering the door. It was a man dressed in black he looked like he didn't have any money then I saw Shi. "Oh hey Shi" I said "hey Lisbeth my friend Kirito and I would like to purchase some strong swords" he said "hi there" the Kirito guy said "oh well why don't you make your own" I said Shi then grew a sheepish look on his face "well the swords I've made for us can't really hold up so I recommended this place knowing your the second best blacksmith I know" he said. I gave him a look "second best come on I taught you everything you know" I said bluntly "alright first best, can we get to the swords" Shi said diverting the conversation "okay so what kinda sword are you looking for?" Kirito pulled out a sword "anything either better or the same quality as this" he said. I began to appraise the sword it was "an elucidator, it's the best magic sword you can get from a boss drop" I said "I don't know why it's magic even though this game has no magic in it" Shi said. Now with an idea I took out my best sword and gave it to the Kirito guy he began to swing it "it's light" he said "yeah I used a speed metal to make it I call it my masterpiece" I said proudly "well then test it" Shi said "how is he going to do it?" I asked "I have an idea" Kirito said as he raised my sword over his elucidator "hey if you break your sword it isn't my fault" I said "if it does then it's a great sword" Kirito responded as he began to charge up a sword skill. As the blades hit the tip of my masterpiece broke off not leaving a scratch on his I quickly caught the broken piece and took the remaining sword from him "my masterpiece" I said dissapointed "number one you okay?" Shi asked trying not to snicker "I'm fine my masterpiece was just destroyed" I answered. After some time the two idiots managed to get me to cheer up some they asked me about custom swords and I told them rare materials are hard to find and they cost a lot but they reassured me they could pay for them I then mentioned a dragon on a mountain that stores a rare metal in its body they offered to go kill the dragon themselves but I wanted to go I told them they needed a two skilled blacksmiths to be there.

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