Chapter 17: The Gleam Eyes

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After forging a new naginata for Miko Y/N didn't charge Miko any money for it instead he said that they should go to the 74th floor dungeon and try it out. Y/N dropped Nilo off at the home of miss Rita. Soon after they went to the teleport gate and teleported to the 74th floor.

Floor 74: Kamdet


Right after I finished dropping off Nilo at miss Rita's Miko with Fenrir to help look after Nilo we were now in the town of Kamdet on the 74th floor. Before entering the dungeon we stocked up on potions and crystals just encase something happened. While shopping around we heard gossip that there was a duel between Kirito and this guy from the Knights of the Blood Oath. Miko told me that it was probably Kuradeel. Miko told me that she got a message from Asuna saying that she was taking a break from the guild and that she was going to be partying with Kirito.

Apparently that guy I met the other day at Agil's shop was Kuradeel. Man that guy was a real jerk I'm glad Kirito kicked his ass. I asked Miko if she had a bodyguard like Asuna did from what she said Miko had a bodyguard but they were always perving on her. I mean if I didn't think of her as a friend or a sister I could understand she did have some interesting armor choice.

 I mean if I didn't think of her as a friend or a sister I could understand she did have some interesting armor choice

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But to each is their own as I always say when it comes to things. After getting the supplies we headed out to the dungeon. I noticed that we were getting a lot of attention from people. It wasn't the typical attention I'm used to but Miko convinced me that it was about her. I believed her and we continued on our way.

Time Skip


In the dungeon we see a horde of lizardmen and skeleton warriors being cut down by both Y/N and Miko. The two are fighting in perfect sync like they know what each other is thinking. Before Y/N could be hit by a skeleton he calls out "switch" to Miko. She elegantly jumps over Y/N and throws her naginata which goes through the skeleton. With one move Miko grabs the naginata and swings it to the left cutting the skeleton in half. The skeleton explodes into pixels  as another takes its place. Y/N looks over at Miko as she cuts down another skeleton.


I never knew that having a partner would make things so easy. Normally it would take me a lot longer to fight all these mobs. I know I'd occasionally team up with Kirito but Miko was different. The way she fought I could see why she was given the nickname thunder spear and thunder god. "Look out Shi behind you" Miko called out. I acted quickly before the lizard man could attack me I equipped my tomahawk and blocked the attack. I punched the lizardman in the face then then took it out at the knees with my tomahawk.

I saw that Miko was going to be attacked by a skeleton so I acted quickly. "Miko duck!" I yelled "uh what?" she said confused. Miko then turned around then saw the skeleton. She parried the attack I quickly used my new phantom blade and shot the skeleton in the head. "Thanks Shi" Miko said "no problem" I replied. The lizardmen and the skeletons began to surround us Miko and I were back to back now. "What do we do?" Miko asked "I'm thinking" I answered.

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