Chapter 2: Surviving

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It had been 2 months since the death game started Y/N had left Kirito and Klein to their own adventures Y/N had been surviving and leveling up. He had gotten better weapons and was focussing on his skills. Now we find Y/N in the forest with his sights set on a large silver elk.

It had been days since I had taken on the quest to get an antler from a silver elk and after finally tracking one down I managed to get a good vantage point and readied an arrow and aimed it at the creatures heart. Before I could take the shot a player was running through the forest and scared it off so I jumped from the tree and fired just missing the animal I turned around and saw the player who messed up my hunt "do you know how long I've been tracking that elk" I said. The person I was yelling at was a young girl she was small a younger player she had long black hair and green eyes she was clearly scared. She was injured and her life bar was in the orange almost red her clothes where ripped and torn "are you okay?" I asked reaching out for her she flinched then hid behind me she was grabbing onto my waist "help me" was all she said. "Please tell me what's your name" I asked but before she could answer four big guys rushed through the bushes "there she is" one of them said they looked at me "well looks like the little thing found someone" another said I could see they all had red player icons turns out since the few months the game started many players thought it was all lies about dying in the real world and most of them started bandit guilds. "Look here fella you hand over the girl and you get to live to see tomorrow" the leader said I could hear a fifth guy in the bushes behind me readying an arrow "listen guys I don't want any trouble you red players are really scaring this girl" I said "look at the stones on this guy" one of them said "what did this girl do to you to make you want to hurt her?" I asked "her party tried to save her instead of paying us so they forced us to kill them we took her as payment she fought and ran and now here we are" the leader said I sighed these guys where real monsters I turned to the girl whispered in her ear "close your eyes". "Look guys your buddy in the bushes needs to come out" I said they all look surprised "wait what do you mean?" one of them said "you guys ruined my hunt and killed this girl's friends now I might kill you guys or let you guys go and ruin someone else's day" I said the guy in the bushes fired a shot I quickly fired an arrow splitting his in half there was a shattering sound and particles came out from the bushes. With that they all charged at me one swung his sword at me I grabbed his arm and judo threw him into a tree then shot two arrows in his eyes he died then another swung a mace at me I quickly switched my bow for my sword and blocked the mace he swung again I side stepped and cut his arms off he screamed in pain "you dick!" he yelled I stabbed him in the chest. A big guy went after the girl pulled out a rope dart I made and threw it at him a dragged him back to me and threw him into the leader "man this guy is a monster" he said the leader was also scared "what are you, who are you?" he asked in fear "I'm just a player, you guys can call me Shi" I said "death" the leader said. "Now give me all the items you stole from her party" I demanded hey got up quick and ran as fast as they could go I checked what loot I got then the girl ran to me and hugged me and was crying I kneeled down and hugged back "now please tell me your name" I asked "my name is Nilo" she said "well Nilo my name is Shi" I responded I showed her a list of items "please find your friends items" I told her. After finding everything I carried her to the nearest town there I took care of her I bought her a meal while we where eating one of her friends who stayed in the town her name was Lisbeth she thanked me for saving her and avenging her friends she bought me a drink and we talked. "Thank you again for saving her Nilo is a good player but she needed help leveling up so that's why she went out with the others then this happened" Lisbeth explained " where were you?" I asked "I was busy buying things for blacksmithing skill so I can build better weapons" Lisbeth answered. That sparked my interest "can you please help me learn some blacksmithing skills" I asked "sure I don't see why not" Lisbeth answered Nilo smiled I bought them a room and got myslef one. The next day Lisbeth and I went to work on forging weapons and tools I gave her materials from monsters I slayed and by the end of the day I could be considered a master blacksmith Lisbeth had improved too "look Shi I'd also learn basic crafting it will help when you don't have the metals for swords and other blades" Lisbeth suggested "sure I need all the skills I can get" I said. The next few days I helped Nilo with training, practiced crafting and Lisbeth and I worked and forging when the day came to an end I was about to go track down the silver elk again Nilo ran to me and hugged me "thank you Shi for saving me" she said I petted her head "no problem kid" I said walking away I turned around and saw Nilo and Lizbeth waving goodbye I waved too and left.

Okay guys I hoped you liked Nilo I will introduce more OC characters later on and I will flush out Nilo and I will do it with other OCs. Also keep on deciding who the who the love interest should be a lot of you want Lizbeth and that might be who becomes the love interest.

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