Chapter 20: The Mysterious Girl

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Y/N had just proposed the Lis and she excepted. Before they can plan anything else Y/N needs to do one thing. Y/N could not simply overlook the fact that he was almost murdered by a rogue guild mate. He asked Lis for advice on what to do and she told him what needed to be done.

October 24th; Floor 55: Grandzam


We see Y/N and now married Kirito and Asuna standing before Heathcliff. They ask for some time off to recover from the ordeal with Kuradeel. They also noted their strong distrust in the guild. "My fiance has advised me to take a permanent leave of absence from the guild but since I'm a man of my word I'll rather take some time off" Y/N tells Heathcliff. "Yes Shi is right we as well ask for some time off so that you can fix the problems within the guild" Kirito said. "I will grant you all to take a temporary leave of absence from the guild however I will call the three of you back eventually" Heathcliff says. But as the three of them get ready to leave the room Heathcliff speaks up "I will say this now you may be back sooner or later".

Time Skip

Floor 46: Lindarth


Lis and I were married and we were happy we walking around town with Nilo. Our hands were interlocked with our rings visible. When we found out that Kirito and Asuna got married we honestly weren't suprised. We kind of already knew that it was bound to happen eventually. As for us nothing has honestly changed except for Nilo no longer Calli us brother and sister. Instead Nilo calls us mommy and daddy now. We tried to get her stop but she won't and honestly there isn't any point in trying.

I asked Lis if she wanted to go on something similar to a honeymoon but she declined saying that me being there was enough. For the rest of the day I just played with Nilo and relaxed with Lis. While Lis and I were relaxing we began to talk. "I wish we could be like this forever" I said "I know so do I, but what about our bodies in the real world?" Lis asked. I thought about that our bodies were probably hooked up to machines. "What about Nilo?, when the world is cleared and we all wake up she'll have no mother or father she'll be alone and confused wondering where we are" I said.

Lis sighed "your right about that this world has taken so much from us" Lis said. "But it it's also given us a lot of amazing things" I said kissing Lis. That made Lis smile "you aren't wrong" Lis said. Suddenly Nilo jumped on us Fenrir "momma and papa come play!" Nilo said. "Okay okay we will" Lis said picking Nilo up the little girl cheered when Lis did that. I pushed Fenrir off "dude your not small anymore, your like 250lbs" I said. Fenrir playfully growled at me "yeah yeah" I said patting his head.

Time Skip

Ever since Lis and I got married I sold my shack on 30th floor. With the extra money I got I helped upgrade Lis's shop and the house. I installed a good sized forge so both Lis and I could work at home. Right now I was working on my hidden blades trying to make them better. Lis came in "hey there love what are you doing?" she asked "well sweetheart I'm trying to see if I can fix my hidden blades and make them able to work with my Sword of Eden skill" I answered.

Lis sat down next to me as I continued to attach mechanisms to the blades. "It still amazes me that you managed to actually make these" Lis said. I rubbed the back of my head "yeah me to honestly I thought the system would prevent me from making them" I said. "So you almost done doing what it is that your doing?" Lis asked. I was silent for a minute "now I'm done" I said as I put the hidden blades back in my inventory. I stood up and left the table I opened menu and equipped the hidden blades. With a quick motion the blades came out but then they extended further and they folded down. Allowing me to wield them like a knife.

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