Chapter 16: Forging A New Weapon

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After that awkward moment between Y/N and Lis Y/N ended up sleeping at an inn. Eventually Y/N would end up proposing to Lis. He also figured he'd leave Lis alone for a day or two so things could cool down and blow over. While he was at the inn he began to think about what Lis and he said when talking about Nilo. What was going to happen to her. He knew that right now she thought of him and Lis as sibling figures. But when she called them mommy and daddy that made him worry. Has Nilo honestly forgotten about her real parents did she regress that far.

Thinking about Nilo made Y/N think about him and others have become complaisant with their lives. Y/N noticed that there was less and less people fighting on the front lines. Living in this fantasy nightmare where death could happen at any time would make anyone afraid to fight. Y/N knew why he couldn't stop fighting he had to get back home to his family. Y/N also made a promise to make sure that Nilo and any other child like her could go home.

Floor 46: Lindarth


Right now I was watching over Lis's shop due to her going out looking for materials. Nilo was with me she was riding around the shop on Fenrir. I was in the back working on a new gadget to use in battle. I had the blueprints I drew on the work bench.

Forging and crafting pieces was a lot harder then forging a blade or a blunt weapon

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Forging and crafting pieces was a lot harder then forging a blade or a blunt weapon. It took a lot more time to craft the tiny mechanisms like with my hidden blades. I figured that all I would need is to forge a cylinder, a trigger and some ammunition. Sadly it's not that easy bullets don't exist in this world neither does gunpowder. I needed to find something that could ignite and explode.  I tried using the materials that were used in explosive arrows. I almost blew off my hand while trying to fire it. They door's bell rang in the front of the store. "Big brother Y/N we have a customer" Nilo called out.

I went to the front and saw a familiar person looking around the shop. It was Miko she was looking at spears. "Hey there customer how can I help you?" I asked. "Oh hey there Y/N I didn't know you worked here" Miko said "I don't I'm just helping out Lis" I replied.  "Big brother is gonna make big sis Lis mommy" Nilo spoke up. "Really now" Miko said "don't take her seriously" I whispered. Miko smiled then bent down and faced Nilo "hey Nilo do you remember me?" Miko asked. "Yeah I remember you your the lady that yells at big brother miss Miko" Nilo answered.

Miko stood up and was silent then she began to hit me "what the heck Shi did you tell her I was a monster or something?" Miko asked. "No I just told her you yell a lot and drag me around" I answered. "I do not do anything of those things" Miko said "you are now, stop scolding me like my sisters" I said. Miko stopped hitting me "fine whatever" she said folding her arms and pouting. I let out a sigh of relief "what can I help you with today?" I asked. Miko opened her menu and took out her naginata "I need this fixed or a new one" she said.

I looked at the weapon I checked out the stats on it. The weapon had little to no durability left, the wooden handle could break at any moment and the blade itself couldn't even slice a loaf of bread. "So how does it look?" Miko asked "well um how do I say this without being blunt, it's totally unfixable, this thing couldn't even kill a dire wolf or a pixie I mean I wouldn't even use this as a toothpick" I answered. "Wow tell me how you really feel, honestly Shi can't you fix this?" Miko asked "I can try I mean I'm a pretty good blacksmith I think if I were to fix this everything would break" I answered.

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