Chapter 5: The Black Cats

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  April 23rd, 2023: Floor 11, The town of Taft

Sitting in bar is a group of players celebrating with a familiar player Kirito he had saved them and they where thanking him. There where a guild consisting of 5 players their name was the Moonlit Black Cats they weren't a strong party but with time they'd become stronger. Each of them where all in a school computer club and they where all long time friends. Kirito had saved them from a high level monster and when their leader found out he was a solo player he extended an invitation to join the guild or stay till they where stronger. Kirito tried to refuse do to him being a higher level but ended up excepting and was now a member of the guild. They where planning on spending the day training Kirito knew he couldn't do it alone so he messaged a friend of his Shi to help  him train. When Shi showed up their leader also invited him to the guild to which Shi did he also had to hide his level. Amongst the group Kirito and Shi grew a bond with a spear user her name was Sachi whom harboured some feelings towards Kirito as he saved her that day.

After that day Kirito got me to join the Moonlit Black Cats I never thought training another player would be this hard yes we did have them fighting mantises and such but you'd think they'd be okay by themselves. I did notice that Kirito did spend more time with Sachi every now and then I'd tease him by saying things like "what would Asuna say" "or how would Asuna feel if she found out" Kirito would play it off like nothing but I could tell something was up. Honestly it had been a long time since he and I had seen Asuna or Miko and it felt weird not seeing them it felt like helping these players was distracting us from that. We where on floor 20 while training Kirito was asked to personally help Sachi with her stats I was busy with Tetsuo, Ducker, Sasamaru and Keita"man Shi your to tough" Ducker said "nah I just focus on my defense it also helps when you can tell what an opponent is going to do" I said "watch out Ducker it's my turn" Tetsuo said.

Time Skip

In order to maintain his level Kirito would leave and train in the dungeon labyrinths. One night Y/N caught Kirito leaving and followed him to the dungeon Y/N kept doing it every time he left and one night he confronted Kirito about leaving.

There I was standing in front of Kirito I gave him a serious look "how long have you been following me?" Kirito asked "ever since you asked me to join you in this guild" I answered. "Your sneaking skill must be maxed out" Kirito said "yeah it's almost there, but that's not the point" I said "then what is?" Kirito asked "the point is how long are we going to lie to them?, how long till the realise everything?" I asked. Kirito couldn't really say anything he had a look of defeat on his face "I don't know I was hoping to help them get strong enough and when they were I'd leave" Kirito said I put my hand on his shoulder "look man were friends and I understand you not wanting people to die I get that but lying is wrong" I said "I know Keita is planning on buying a house for the guild in a couple of moths I think we should tell them the truth give them something and leave" Kirito said "alright that's give them 500,000 cor each, that way they have money after the house is bought and we leave" I said. As we where leaving Kirito and I received a message from Keita it said that Sachi had gone missing, he and others where looking in dungeon "we better get looking before they find us in here" I said  Kirito nodded and we teleported back to town.

Time Skip

Sitting in the drains of the city is the young member of the Moonlit Black Cats Sachi she was hiding there. She didn't know that two other members of her guild where looking for her she had no idea that Shi and Kirito where looking for her. All she could think about was her dying it held her back and no matter how much her team or Kirito and Shi tried to help all she did was live in fear. Sachi was brought out of these thoughts when she heard footsteps, she looked up and found they came from Kirito and Shi them finding her surprised her.

Sachi POV:
I looked up and saw Kirito with Shi I didn't think anyone would find me "how'd you guys find me?" I asked "well we just tracked you down here" Kirito answered "he had to climb up to a higher place I just followed your footsteps" Shi spoke up. I laughed a little "so who's tracking skill is better?" I asked the two looked at eachother "mine" they both said at the same time "hey stop copying me" the said "no you" they said. I could tell they where trying to cheer me up "why are you down here instead of being with the others?" Shi asked I knew they'd ask so I simply told them everything about all my fears. "Look Sachi as long as Shi and I are here there will be nothing to fear not even dying" Kirito told me after I was done telling them everything "Listen you will get stronger trust me this guy would be nowhere without help" Shi said pointing at Kirito "hey not like you where any better" Kirito shot back.

1 Month Time Skip


After that day Kirito and Shi would help Sachi with her fears when ever she had them. And when the day came that the group had attained a total of 20,000 cor they decided to buy the home for their guild. Keita left to buy the home on the first floor in the Town of Beginnings while the others did whatever Shi and Kirito where considering staying longer with everyone so they could be there for Sachi. It was Sasamaru and Ducker's idea to go and impress Keita by going into the dungeon and get more money so they'd have some extra cor for when Keita got back. Kirito and Shi tried to say the they had plenty money and that they wouldn't need to go and do all of that but they argued and said that it's better to earn the money then take a handout. So they set out to go dungeon crawling and they where doing very well till they came across a room with a chest in the middle of it.

"what are we waiting for" Tetsuo said "it's just waiting there" Ducker said Kirito and I looked at it and instantly thought something was up "I don't know guys it's probably a trap" I said "you never know fortune favors the bold" Tetsuo said "I agree with Shi" Kirito said "let's go" Ducker said running in the room everyone else followed in after him. As soon as he touched the chest an alarm went off and the room went red "everyone grab your teleport crystals" Kirito yelled to everyone "they aren't working" Ducker yelled "damn this must be an anti-teleport trap" I said. Soon monsters started spawning in there where golems and miner dwarfs everyone readied their weapons. Within in an instant Sasamaru and Ducker died Tetsuo wasn't far behind I saw Sachi crying then a golem went to attack her Kirito and I ran as fast as we could but the golem hit her as Kirito cut it in half I rushed and caught Sachi and held her I pulled out a medical herb mix I made and stopped her health from lowering. Kirito killed the remaining enemies as held onto Sachi when it was over the room went back to normal and the door opened Sachi was very weak. "It's alright Sachi Shi stopped your health from going any lower" Kirito said "the others are dead though" Sachi said "it's my fault I tried to get to them" I said "it's not your fault Shi" Sachi said. "We need to get you out of here" Kirito said pulling out a teleportation crystal Sachi stopped him "it's no good I'm not going to make it" Sachi said "what do you mean, Shi's herb saved you" Kirito said "I can feel it coming don't be mad Shi your herb worked fine, it's just that I feel what their doing" Sachi said. I was confused so was Kirito "what do you mean?" Kirito said "I can't explain it, but understand I'll miss you two, don't blame yourselves" Sachi said as her body became to turn white then right as her body began to disappear she mouthed something then in an instant she vanished into  sparkling particles. "Damn it no" I yelled "why?" Kirito yelled "I stopped it" I stuttered. Kirito fell to his knees we where stunned we just lost everyone in an instant. We didn't know what to do but we had to go and tell Keita about everyone.

I will continue Monday with the rest of this episode and put it into the chapter as this part was only the beginning of episode 3. I understand some of you will be mad about what I did but really read every word I wrote in this chapter and go back and look at others trust me. Tomorrow I'll release the next chapter of Dragon Rose so if your reading this story check out my other one if you also like the RWBY series.

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