Chapter 3: First Boss and Rise of the Beater

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One month after the start of the game 2,000 players had died and that number was growing. It was now December 22, 2022 since the launch of SAO the players still hadn't found the boss room so a large group of players decided to form a raid party to fight the boss and prove to the other players that the death game can be beaten. The meeting was in the town of Tolbana there and it was led by a player by the name of Diavel he was the self-proclaimed knight. Also at this meeting we find Y/N or his gamer ID Shi and Kirito they want to beat this game like everyone else even if it means they can't play solo to do it.

I was sitting in theatre waiting for this meeting happen everyone was busy chatting and talking with people they knew I couldn't exactly do that Lizbeth was with Nilo and they weren't exactly front line players yet. I saw Kirito walk in I got up ran up to him "hey Kirito how's it been man" I said he looked over at me "oh hey Shi I'm doing good how've you been" he said "you know me keeping it cool" I said "same here anything to live another day" he said. We talked some then took our seats when the meeting started a man with blue hair came on the stage calling himself a knight even though this game doesn't have a job system his name was Diavel he was begining to explain things and told us to join parties I freaked out I couldn't find Kirito he was the only one I knew other players where forming parties quick there was a girl next to me she was in the corner it looked like she didn't have anyone she seemed like she was younger than me she had short purple hair and had silver eyes contacts what intrigued me was that she looked somewhat familiar to me I scooted closer to her "hey um I don't have a partner my name is Shi can we form a party?" I asked her she looked at me "why don't you go join your friends" she said "well I can't find him and he probably already is in a party" I said the girl sighed "fine let's join a party my name is Miko" she said I put my hand out there as I sent her the request she shook it "this doesn't mean we're all buddy buddy now" Miko said "I get it I didn't want to come off like that" I said. Everyone was joining us then someone jumped on stage he had weird hair and was angry. "Let me get this out of the way my name is Kibaou want those who are responsible for letting other players die to show themselves" the guy said "who are you talking about?" Diavel asked "you know who I'm talking about, the beta testers they know who they are their responsible for the 2,000 deaths" Kibaou said. Hearing what Kibaou said made me fearful I heard the other players reactions they where getting angry "yeah I'm talking to all you beta testers it's your fault those people died if you had given them information and help they'd still be alive" Kibaou went on "come on man" Diavel said "no, they need to pay so come on up hand over all your items" Kibaou said other players began to agree with him. He was going to continue but then a very tall dark skinned man came forward his size startled Kibaou "my name is Agil so let me get this straight you blame those deaths on the beta testers?" he asked "yeah so what" Kibaou answered "so did you get this pamphlet everyone else did?" Agil asked "yeah I did so what" Kibaou answered "well the merchants handing out where these manuals where players and they made sure everyone had access to this information so it's not the testers fault" Agil explained. Kibaou was speechless and with that everything calmed down I let out a deep breath Miko looked at me and whispered in my ear "let me guess you where a tester" I jumped up "what I didn't hear you" I said playing dumb "you heard me don't play dumb" she said. Giving up I sighed I pulled Miko away from everyone "yeah I was please don't tell anyone" I pled Miko sighed "I won't my brother was a tester now act your age I'm 13 and I'm acting more mature than you" she said "sorry I was just worried not to many people like testers" I said "he seems to like you" Miko said pointing at Agil.

Time Skip

It was late tonight all the parties participating in the boss raid where getting ready or drinking Miko had left me to go get better gear as I was walking around I found Kirito. "Hey man sorry I couldn't find you" I apologized "it's fine Shi I found someone to party up with" Kirito said "great so did I" I said "so whose your partner?" Kirito asked "my partner is not here right now" I answered "whose your partner?" I asked "she is" Kirito said pointing at a girl sitting over on a bench eating some bread "go talk to her" I said "what come on man she doesn't like people" Kirito said flustered "well fix that, you finished that quest right the one with the cow" I said "yeah, what's that have to do with it?" Kirito asked "one way to a woman's heart is offering her food" I said. Before Kirito could respond I pushed him over to the girl he looked back and I gave him a thumbs up I left when Kirito started talking to her "he'd do the same thing to me if he found out my partner was a girl" I said to myself. I was laying down in my inn room when I received a message I checked who it was from the message was from Lis,beth it was a video message. On the video was Lisbeth and Nilo "you can do it Shi we know you can beat the boss for us" Lisbeth said first then "yeah big bro Shi, you can do it" Nilo said "we believe in you" they both said ending the message. I smiled the message motivated me even more "I'll avenge your parents Nilo" I said clenching my fist I knew what they must be feeling when the raid was over I'd send them a message to show them I was alive.

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