Chapter 8: Dog Trainer

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A few days after Y/N saved that Silver Fang wolf pup from Laughing Coffin members only for the young pup's mother to end up dying. Y/N hadn't given the wolf pup a name yet he himself didn't exactly know what to do he didn't have a beast taming skill. With no real option so Y/N went to Lisbeth's place to see if she could help him.

I had arrived at Lisbeth's place it was a small shack with two rooms, a kitchen, a living room and an outdoor forge. Before I could knock on the door Nilo opened the door and jumped on me "big brother Shi, your here!" she cheered "easy there kiddo" I said "Nilo get off of Shi" Lisbeth said coming to the door. Lisbeth helped me up from the ground "hey Shi I got your message what is it that you need?" she asked I opened my menu and took out a bone then I whistled. "What's that going to do?" Lisbeth asked then a bark could be heard Lisbeth looked out in the distance Nilo looked as well "oh my god it's a puppy!" Nilo cheered as the wolf pup came running up to us. "Yeah this is what I need help with" I said "oh, well I don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do" Lisbeth said "do you know anybody with a beast taming skill?" I asked "not personally I don't but there is someone, I think her name is Silica" Lisbeth answered. I looked over at Nilo who was hugging the pup "does he have a name?" Nilo asked "no he doesn't" I answered Nilo gave me a look "well we should call him Fenrir" Nilo said "why that name?" Lisbeth asked the little girl "because he may be small now but he'll keep on getting bigger" Nilo answered with a huff "that's a great name Nilo, Fenrir it is then" I said patting her head. When that happened I got an item I opened my inventory and found a collar I called Fenrir over to me he came right over I put the collar and then a tag appeared with "Fenrir" on carved on it. "I guess that means he's officially yours now" Lisbeth said I checked my skills and there it was the beast taming skill "well now I'll I need to do is get this maxed up and then I can tame just about any creature" I said. "Shi can I go and play with Fenrir?" Nilo asked "sure I don't mind I'm going to make us lunch" I answered Nilo cheered and ran off "tell me how you found the little guy?" Lisbeth asked "sure where do I start" I said.

Time Skip

"That is just awful" Lisbeth said after I had explained to her what had happened to him. "I knew Laughing Coffin killed players but I didn't think they'd go that far and kill a mother in front of her child" Lisbeth said "yeah luckily I was there to stop them" I said "so that's why your orange today" Lisbeth said I rubbed the back of my head "you noticed didn't you?" I asked "yeah, I know you prefer to not kill them but those red players never learn" Lisbeth said. After our talk I had just finished making sandwiches with my knowledge and with the recipes making food from the real world was pretty easy I still couldn't make soy sauce and other things like it. "Nilo lunch is ready" I called out she came running in with Fenrir "hey Shi look what I taught Fennrir" Nilo said cheerfully she turned to the wolf "ready do it" she told Fenrir  the wolf pup jumped up and did a flip. Lisbeth and I clapped "are you doing my job in training him?" I asked "yes I'm sorry" she answered I patted her head and scratched Fenrir's chin "don't worry about I'm going to need all the help I can get" I said Nilo laughed.

Time Skip

Lisbeth let me spend the night so Nilo could play with Fenrir she probably did it so she could eat my cooking. "What am I a housewife?" I asked "no it's just getting late and I don't want you to pay for an inn room" Lisbeth answered "ah whatever" I said. The only embarrassing thing that really happened that night was Nilo asking when I was going to marry big sister Lizbeth to which her and I blushed. During the night Fenrir slept on me while I was laying on the couch the poor guy had a nightmare I rubbed his head "don't worry I'm here" I whispered. Tomorrow I'd leave to go find this Silica person so she could help me with becoming a better beast tamer.

Sorry if this chapter I short I had a problem with my other story with uploading a chapter but I fixed it so don't worry the next chapter will be longer than this one.

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