Chapter 7: Little Wolf

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We last left Y/N in an inn after a long night fighting an event boss with Kirito and eventually giving the rare drop item to their friend Klein then going their separate ways again. Since then Y/N has been working on a set of special weapons hidden blades like those of the assassin's creed series but what he was trying to do was implement aspects from most of the games combining them into deadly weapons. Right now we see Y/N walking through a forest looking for some strong materials for his hidden blades.

So far I've got the blades forged and the straps made but I'm struggling with the mechanics and the game engine doesn't make it exactly easy. I came out here to find some rare materials woods, metals etc. I only fought a few monsters in the woods and every thing seemed quite after that until I heard a loud howl coming from the distance. I ran to see what it was I climbed a tree to get a better advantage point and what I saw was awful there was a large Silver Fang wolf guarding it's pup from a group of four red players.

 I ran to see what it was I climbed a tree to get a better advantage point and what I saw was awful there was a large Silver Fang wolf guarding it's pup from a group of four red players

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The pup was small and the mother was injured I didn't really know what to do so I just acted I pulled out an arrow and fired a warning shot the red players all backed up. I jumped down in front of the wolves the big one growled at me I put my hand out to show it I meant no harm I pulled out my knife (the one from the picture in the info chapter) "look fellas normally I wouldn't bother you but I don't think it's okay for you to kill a mom right in front of her child" I said the five of them looked at me they didn't really show fear "listen pal we've been hunting the beast for some time now it has 8 health bars and we've got it down to one" said one in black cloak "yeah but what about the pup?" I asked "those beasts sell up to a mill a piece" said a fat player "yeah and we've sold four so far" said a small skinny one. These guys where awful just evil "what's the red slayer gonna do about it?" a large guy with a skull jaw mask asked sarcastically "well I'm gonna ask you to stop now and leave" I responded angrily due to the nickname "do you know who we are, we're Laughing Coffin idiot" the small one said. Great Laughing Coffin members just my day I looked back at the wolves then but when I did that the small Laughing Coffin member ran at me with an axe I quickly grabbed his arm then disabled him then stabbed him in between the ribs ten times killing him quickly. The remaining four members looked at me I did the come at me motion and the fat one came at me with a two handed sword I dodged then tripped him up another charged at me with a spear I quickly moved forward then broke his spear the fat guy got up I picked up the blade side of the broken spear by stepping on it then kicked it at him before he could react the spear was in his chest "god...damn it" he said as he died and turned into polygons. The guy with spear was angry " damn you" he said equipping a curved sword I looked for the leader he went after the wolves as a was distracted the guy with curved sword charged at me with a quickness I judo threw him into the leader "damn it Simmons" he said "sorry boss he killed Joe and I lost it" Simmons said "sorry doesn't cut it if we don't kill this guy we'll be laughing stocks" the leader said. "I warned you guys but you didn't listen" I said "what ever scumbag your gonna die today" Simmons said he ran at me I got into a mui tai stance and waited for him when he did I kneed him in the gut then elbowed him in the face then finished him off striking him side with my knife killing him. I walked over to the leader "guess it's just you and me" I said "yeah those three where pushovers but I'm a bit different "so how's this going to play out?" I asked "let me think about that one" the leader answered pulling out two shields "interesting I've never seen anything like that" I said "you could say that I'm not a real fan of swords and stuff I only signed in this game because I lost a bet" the leader said. We charged at each other he swung his shield at me like a club I used them as a springboard then threw a rope dart at him but he used the other shield to block "damn" I said the leader laughed "you see most player focus on speed and attack but I focused on strength and defense I am literally a walking tank" he said. I ran at him but he smacked me into a tree I saw the wolves the pup looked scared and the mother wasn't doing so good I got up and dusted myself off "nice hit but I think this is over" I said but before I could move I saw a paralysis symbol then I saw the other guy fall "why how is this possible?" he asked I was wearing my ring I laughed some "what's so funny?" he asked in a rage "it's a secret" I said. I walked over to him but then I heard someone running over here I readied my knife then when I heard someone jump out from the bushes I jumped back it was a guy wearing a full skull mask with red eyes. The leader looked worried "Zaza" he said "get up Berus" he said "I can't the asshole reversed my paralysis" Berus said "fine" Zaza said pulling out two teleport crystals Berus looked at me "this isn't over I'll come and find you" Berus said as Zaza teleported away with him. With that over I walked over to the wolves this time the mother didn't growl at me instead she licked me the pup came out and rubbed up against my leg.

I could tell the mother wasn't going to make it so I pulled out a medicine and tried to give it to her but she denied it instead she picked up the little pup and dropped him in my arms

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I could tell the mother wasn't going to make it so I pulled out a medicine and tried to give it to her but she denied it instead she picked up the little pup and dropped him in my arms. "You don't want him to see you go do you?" I asked the wolf she nodded "I'll take good care of him" I said the mother wolf began to walk off the pup began to bark and howl the mother turned around and growled at the pup to make him quiet down. I began to walk away with the pup in my arms I heard the sound of the mother wolf disappear the little pup howled in my arms for his mother I petted his head comforting him "it's okay pal I'm here" I said walking.

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