Chapter Fourteen: First Dates

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November 14th, 2017

As it got closer to December, Smosh was thrown into planning our holiday themed content. Because we film videos two-three weeks in advance to their release, Christmas spirit began in mid-November. Today, we were shooting "Anti-Santa Protest gone wrong" and I was dressed up in a suit outside the Smosh office building.

It was a slow-moving day and we were waiting on sound. I sat on one of the cement benches near the front of the building, phone in hand, waiting for Sophia's reply. I had taken my decision to get back out there seriously and had finally asked out this girl I met at the gym.

She seemed cool and normal, not too LA. She didn't work in show business, but as a nurse, which was a positive point to me. We had met about a month earlier and hit it off but I wasn't really in the dating mindset so I ignored the hints that she was interested. Last Tuesday though, I walked up to her as she was picking out her weights and asked her for her number.

"What took you so long?" she joked, shooting me a genuine smile and taking my phone to punch in her digits.

"What can I say? I'm obviously an idiot" I replied, eliciting a laugh from her.

We finished up our work outs together and just talked. It felt easy. I pushed Courtney out of my mind and tried to focus on the girl in front of me. When we were done, I told her I would text her later. I held up on my promise and we've been speaking casually for the past week.

I had just sent a text asking her if she was free tomorrow night and was waiting on her response. I felt weirdly nervous and awkward, second guessing the format of my text, and the words I used. It wasn't like I was so into this girl. I mean don't get me wrong, Sophia was kind, beautiful, smart, everything that a guy should be looking for, but my nervousness definitely had more to do with the woman walking towards me now.

"Hey Shayne, why do you look like you're waiting on a judge's verdict?" Courtney asked me.

Her character for today was a hippie protester and she wore a long brown dreadlocked wig, which she weirdly was able to pull off. She flipped the 'hair' over her shoulder, waiting for me to reply.

"Uh, no reason," I said, quickly stowing my phone in my suit jacket pocket.

"Rightttt." She replied, looking at me suspiciously before quickly lunging for my phone.

I ducked away from her instinctually, protectively holding onto my jacket pocket. She reached her arms around mine, trying to wrestle my hands away from my phone. When she saw that I wasn't going to loosen my grip she started lightly hitting me, probably with the intention of annoying me until I gave in. She poked at my arms and then started to tap at my face. Her second tap was more of a slap, shocking me slightly and she jumped back from me, hands over her mouth.

"Oh god, sorry!" She laughed, and I widened my eyes comically, bringing my hand up as if to strike and shuffling closer to her. She squealed and backed away from me almost toppling over the concrete bench, but catching herself.

"Ok fine, I give up." She sighed over dramatically, now resting on the bench and I shook my head at her, smirking

"You are too much Courtney."

Just then my phone pinged and I pulled it out of its secure place in my pocket to check the message. It was a reply from Sophia.

Sophia: Hey! Sounds good to me, I'm free at 7:00 :)

I started typing up a reply when from over my shoulder I heard Courtney ask, "Who's Sophia?" 

I blushed hard and slid my phone back into my pocket. I turned around to face Courtney, she was watching me expectantly. 

"Just a girl I met at the gym." I answer hastily, silently praying that she wouldn't ask any more questions, but Courtney obviously had other plans.

"When did this start? Is this a first date?"

I nodded, "Ya, we only just started talking. It's not serious or anything," I didn't really want to be talking about this with her, but I was also very curious about what she thought.

Her expression was schooled as she replied "That's great though. I'm, um, happy that you're getting back out there."

"I have to come out to feed every few months to maintain my super powers." I joked, hoping to lighten the slight tension I felt in the air.

Courtney laughed breathily at my comment. Once again I couldn't really read her face, but there was something slightly off about her voice. Then again, it was probably wishful thinking, because she quickly smiled genuinely at me.

"Well you better take her somewhere nice. You've gotta make a good first impression."

"What do you suggest?" I asked curiously, I planned on taking her to this arcade bar that I went to sometimes. It was good because there were tables to sit, talk, and drink at, but the games acted as a good ice breaker.

Courtney thought about it for a second before answering

"I don't know, maybe the pier, but it might not be the type. Or, oh!" she interrupted her own thought, "Take her to the passage, that nighttime bike riding tour! You met at the gym so she must be somewhat athletic. It stops at a pool place and I think a donut shop too. I've always wanted to do that."

"That actually sounds pretty cool Court, but I think I'll put it on the back burner."

"What, my idea isn't good enough for your first date?" She teased, eyes sparkling as she looked up at me.

"No, more like it's too good of any idea to waste on a first date," I replied. "I mean, I don't really know this girl yet, I'd rather do that with someone I was closer with."

She grinned at me but before she could reply, Ryan called us to set to get started on the sketch. As we got into position, I was left to imagine what it would be like if Courtney and I were to do the biking tour instead.

A/N: Slightly shorter chapter over here, but I've got BIG things planned guys! I sort of have to get past the next couple months though, so these few chapters may be a little fluffy. The next one is pretty cute though :))

Love, Kaitlyn

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