Chapter Twenty-Four: But It Doesn't Change Anything

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April 25th, 2018

I was the first one in the office the next day and my body was wracked with nerves at the thought of seeing Courtney again. To say we left on bad terms would be an understatement. Why did I think it was a good idea to kiss her again? Well, I guess I wasn't really thinking, was I?

I heard someone enter the room and I jerked my head up quickly to see Olivia walk through the door. I was filled with both relief and disappointment that it wasn't Courtney who walked in and I mumbled a good morning to her, looking back down at my laptop that was open in front of me.

I could feel eyes on me, and I raised my head again to see that Oliva had stopped in front of my desk. She had her arms folded across her chest and an aggravated look on her face.

"What the hell is wrong with you Shayne?"

"So you talked to Courtney, huh?"

"Yeah. She told me everything. What on earth were you thinking?"

I groaned, leaning back in my chair. I didn't really want to be lectured by Olivia Sui, and to be honest I wasn't too happy that she knew about what happened. I don't know why I didn't expect that Courtney would tell her.

"I don't know," I responded, "I guess I wasn't thinking at all. I was mad."

She huffed at me, arms crossed. "Well you are really dumb Shayne. She's already torn as it is. She really didn't need this added confusion."

I hung my head, feeling guilty. I knew that it was a bit hypocritical of me to blame Courtney for the unfairness of the situation, just for me to then then act unfairly to her. But suddenly a light ticked on in my brain.

"Wait," I asked Olivia, "What do you mean she's torn?"

Olivia turned red and quickly stammered, "Uh, nothing."

"Come on Olivia." I pressed. I needed to know what she meant. My heart was beating loudly in my ears as Olivia sighed.

"I mean that she has feelings for you too Shayne. She has for a while. But it doesn't change anything. She's still with Wahlid and it's still incredibly uncool for you to have kissed her and made her even more confused."

"She kissed me first!" I shot back. I knew I was being childish but my brain was still whirring with this new information.

Courtney liked me too.

It should have made me happy, but Olivia was right. It didn't change much. I dropped my head defeated, resting my chin on my hands.

"What do I do Liv?"

Olivia frowned at me sympathetically. "I don't know Shayne. I want to help you, but I honestly don't know."

"That's what Damien said too. What good are you guys."

"Hey!" She said defensively, "I give plenty of good advice."

"Oh yeah? When?"

"I, uh, Oh! That time I told you not to go to that sushi place that gave me indigestion."

"Olivia, food poisoning warnings do not count as good advice." I rolled my eyes, "And they definitely don't help me in this situation. I'm in love with my best friend and she's still with another guy, who doesn't appreciate how good he has it by the way."

Olivia started to interrupt me but I spoke over her, "I know he's your friend too, but he's not right for her. He just keeps jerking her around, with this on again, off again thing. It's not fair to her. He's not thinking about how this must be for her and he doesn't love her like I do."

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