Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Passage

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May 23rd

"It's gonna be pretty dope," Noah said, leaning back in his chair. He had just finished telling Courtney and I about his plans for the night. He and his girlfriend had been invited to some sort of event, something that I wouldn't necessarily be into, but he seemed excited so I nodded at him.

"Sounds great man."

"Do you guys have any plans for tonight?"

"I mean, it's a Wednesday Noah," I smirked. "Do I look like a party animal to you?"

"Uhhhh. Ok fine, true," He grinned before turning to Courtney, "Court?"

"Yeah, actually, this party animal has got some plans," She said, carrying on my joke. "I'm doing that dating thing with my boyfriend tonight."

"Nice," Noah whistled. "That dating thing,"

"Noice," I said in agreement, solely for Noah's benefit.

"What are you guys doing?" Noah asked as I tried to think of a way to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Shooting me a split-second glance Courtney replied, "Oh, well we're gonna grab dinner and see a movie. It's been a little while so it should be nice."

"Sounds like it," Noah grinned, and he turned back towards his laptop to get some work done. Courtney's phone rang a moment later.

"Hey Wahlid," She said putting the phone to her ear, sounding cheery. It was hard for me to tell how genuine her happiness was or if she was putting it on. It was harder to tell if it was for my benefit or for her own.

"I was just talking about you. Yeah to... the squad. Are you picking me up at 6:30 or 7:00? I forget."

She was quiet for a second as Wahlid replied. I saw the smile slide off her face.

"Oh, ok, yeah I understand."

I couldn't believe he was bailing on her. I felt heat boiling in my stomach but I kept my mouth shut as she continued her phone call.

"No, no don't worry. It's fine... Yeah, we'll talk later I guess. Ok. You too. Bye."

She hung up the phone and dropped it into her lap. I saw her lick her lips nervously, looking down at her hands. I studied the side of her face, wanting to say something but not knowing what. I let the silence hang in the air for a few seconds before opening my mouth to speak.

"Don't." She said, looking over sideways at me.

I shrugged my shoulders casually, to show her I wouldn't say anything about Wahlid. I glanced over at Noah, who now had his earphones in and had missed the whole exchange, before shifting my chair closer to Courtney's.

"Listen," I said after a while. "I'm sorry that you're plans got canceled- really, I am." I said to her skeptical look. "But, since you're free... wanna do something tonight?"

I held my breath as she bit her lip unsurely, running her hands through her cropped hair. "I don't know Shayne. I don't want you to make plans because you feel bad for me."

"Hey, of course not. Honestly, come on, it'll be fun," I replied as casually as possible even though my heart was pounding loudly in my ears. Olivia's words were echoing in my mind 'Don't let her forget that you're an option.' I had to try. And I also didn't want her to sit at home alone tonight, wondering why Wahlid had ditched her again.

Courtney hesitated before a grin started to pull at her lips. "Ok then Shayne, let's hang out."

"Great," I grinned back. "Pick you up at 7:30?"

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