Chapter 15: Squad Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Nov 23rd   --->   Squad Thanksgiving Nov 26th

My first date with Sophie had been great. She laughed at my jokes and shared a lot of my interests. She was competitive like me and we had a lot of fun cursing at the arcade games when we didn't win. She had a great smile and an infectious positivity. By the time we went on our third date, I had stopped thinking of her as a distraction and gave into the easy and carefree time we were having together. We definitely weren't official by any means, but I was having fun spending time with her.

It was the Sunday after thanksgiving and I had just gotten back from visiting my family in Florida for the holidays. It was so good to see everyone, and crazy how fast my nieces were growing. That was one thing I really missed, living out in LA. Being able to see my family every day. But it was nice to be able to visit them for the holidays.

Before we all left for the weekend, the squad had planned a secondary Thanksgiving, one that would be happening tonight. Well, I use the term planned loosely. We all decided that we would be doing something together for thanksgiving. What that something was; no clue.

My phone lit up as Courtney texted the squad group chat.

-The Gang-

Courtney: Hoo Hoo

Courtney: So, what's the plan guys?

Keith: Ya, where we going?

Noah: Anywhere but for Indian food, my poor butt hole can't take it.

Shayne: Pretty logical, I think we should cross off any place that'll give us diarrhea

Courtney: So Chipotle's out too then

Olivia: Tbh why don't u guys come over to my place and I'll cook for us like real Thanksgiving?

Keith: I was literally waiting for u to offer Liv Liv

Olivia: Great! It's settled, 7?

We all agreed on 7 at Olivia's and I told Keith and Courtney I would pick them up on the way. After a little procrastination, I put down my phone and went to change for dinner. I threw on a patterned button down I recently bought and some dark jeans. I double checked my hair, fixing it quickly before grabbing my keys and heading out the door to pick up my friends. It's not like I really felt the need to impress the squad, they've literally seen me painted white in nothing but my underwear, but I felt like thanksgiving, even fake thanksgiving, deserved a little more thought.

I went to pick Courtney up first, she only lived about five minutes away from me. I pulled up outside her building and texted her that I was there. I fixed my hair again in the rearview mirror... for reasons. She texted back a couple minutes later 'Shit! I'm coming!' and five minutes after that she was yanking open the passenger-side door and falling into the seat beside me.

"Sorry! I fell asleep, your text woke me up."

She looked slightly harassed and I stifled a laugh at the frazzled expression on her face as she pulled on her seat belt.

"What are you laughing at frog legs?"

"Just you." I grinned, throwing the car into reverse and pulling out of the lot.

"Nice," She rolled her eyes. "Anyways, how was Florida?"

I told her it was good and handed her my phone to see some pictures from the weekend. She told me how adorable my nieces are, and then told me about how her holiday went. I loved the way her eyes light up when she talked about her family. We soon got to Keith's place and finally made our way over to Olivia's.

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