Chapter Twenty-Nine: On a Dime

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May 24th - 25th, 2018

Thursday -> Friday

I walked into work the next morning with a goofy grin on my face that I hardly bothered to conceal. I was in way too good a mood for only having approximately four and a half hours of sleep, and I shot a smile to the office security guard as I made my way towards the elevator and pressed the 'up' button. The doors opened and I stepped inside, pressing my floor number and leaning back against the wall. As the doors began to shut I heard a frantic voice shout, "Wait!" and a hand shot out between the closing doors, forcing them to open back up again.

Courtney stumbled into the elevator, and started apologizing before realizing it was me.

"Hey-there you," she beamed at me, green eyes twinkling.

"Hey yourself," I smiled back, crossing my hands over my chest. "Did you get much sleep?"

"Not really but who cares! We can supplement with coffee," She replied with a grin, gesturing to the very large tumbler she was holding.

"Jesus Court!" I laughed as the elevator opened at our floor. We stepped out and made our way over to the squad office.

"Were you planning to supply the whole office with caffeine?"

She stuck her tongue out at me and rolled her eyes before taking a huge swig of her coffee in protest. But the sip was a little too big and she half choked on it and we walked through the door to our office. Noah and Olivia looked up in alarm as I broke into hysterics, patting her back to help her cough it out.

"This- is your- fault," Courtney breathed out between coughs as I continued to laugh. She held up a middle finger at me, but I ignored it, grabbing her bag off her shoulder and bringing it over to her desk for her. She followed behind me, finally regaining her breath and letting out a loud burp, to which I shot a fake look of disgust.

"Thank you, kind sir," she grinned, taking her seat and pulling her bag closer to her to pull out her laptop.

I dipped into a half curtsy- half bow, which made Courtney giggle and throw a pencil at me.

"You are so freaking dumb Shayne."

"I try," I retorted and went to sit down at my own desk, a grin still pulling at my lips.

"Well... You guys sure are chipper this morning," Olivia smirked at us over the script she was reading.

I smiled at Courtney and shrugged, "It's just a good morning I guess."

And the rest of the day was good too. We told our friends about our biking adventure and all the cool stuff we saw. We joked around on set filming a show with no name and a couple other smoshpit videos. We made fun of each other for stupid things and picked up lunch together and ate it with the squad. I hadn't felt so relaxed in a while, everything just seemed to be going so well. I could almost let myself ignore the fact that Courtney still had a boyfriend, and imagine that last night had been I real date. It was dangerous territory, but I just felt so good about where we were at, and I hoped Courtney did too.

At the end of the day, I walked with Courtney and Olivia through the parking lot to get to our cars. Olivia was telling me about something funny Sam had said to her and I glanced over at Courtney who looked deep in thought. It struck me that she hadn't said anything in a few minutes and I nudged her with my elbow.

"You ok?" I asked.

Blinking, as if she was surprised to hear my voice, she replied, "Oh ya, totally."

She smiled at me unconvincingly but I decided to let it go. We had a long day, she was probably just tired. We parted ways and all got into our cars to head out. I drove home with a smile on my face, thinking about what a great day it had been.

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