Chapter 21: Nothing Good Happens After 2AM

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April 10th 2018

I pulled up in front of her apartment building and took a deep breath.

"This is a bad idea Shayne," The rational part of my brain said. What did Ted Moseby say again in that HIMYM episode? No good decisions happen after 2 AM? The digital clock on my dashboard read 2:01. Oh great.

I should really just turn my car around, head home and text Courtney that I couldn't make it over. I was leaving to Japan with Damien in a few hours after all. Our flight was at noon and I probably should get some sort of sleep.

I shouldn't be here.

But instead of doing the smart thing, I turned off the ignition and got out of my car. Every step up to Courtney's apartment felt loud, like my footsteps belonged to a giant, and my arm felt heavy as I picked it up to knock on her front door.

She answered immediately, and as I walked in and shut the door behind me, she began to pace back and forth in front of me. She ran both her hands through her short hair, flipping it to one side and then the other. I kicked off my boots and sat down on the arm of her couch, waiting for her to say something.

She finally stopped in front of me and said, "Thanks for coming."

"No problem...want to tell me what happened?" I asked cautiously.

She let out an exasperated breath and began pacing again.

"Well, I did what you said Shayne. I went over to Wahlid's to talk. I was mature, an adult, just like you said. I told him that he wasn't prioritizing me anymore, that I felt he was distant and that he didn't care. And you know what he said?" She stopped in front of me again, and I shook my head silently.

"He said we should take a minute to revaluate. What does that even mean?" She threw her arms up in the air. "Like if you don't want me anymore, just tell me!"

She dropped down onto the couch, sitting on her knees, hands knotted in her lap. Her voice was frustrated and it still had a slightly tipsy air about it, even though her last drink must have been over 2 hours ago.

"I'm really sorry Courtney," I told her, and I really meant it. My feelings aside, it hurt me that she was hurting so much. A tear clung to her eyelashes threatening to fall and I felt a pang in my chest. I slid off of the couch arm and onto the cushion beside her.

"Wahlid is an idiot if he thinks it's at all ok not to make you a priority."

Courtney let out a watery laugh, "Thanks Shayne, but obviously, there must be a reason that I'm not enough for him."

"No I'm serious," I said grabbing onto her shoulder intently and holding her gaze, "You, Courtney Ruth Miller, are the funniest, smartest, most beautiful, woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life. So, if Wahlid doesn't realize that, then ya, he is fucking idiot."

Courtney stared at me for a moment, and the room felt like it was standing still, just us looking into each other's eyes. I saw something I didn't recognize in hers, and suddenly, her lips were on mine.

I froze for a second in shock but as Courtney pressed her lips more firmly against mine, I snapped out of it. And against my better judgment, against the voice in my head screaming at me to stop, I kissed her back.

I moved my hand off of her shoulder and into her hair, grabbing onto it as our kiss became more frantic. Courtney ran her hands down my torso and then back up to either side of my face. I felt her tongue against my lips, seeking entrance, and I parted them immediately deepening the kiss.

She pushed me backwards, the arm of the couch digging uncomfortably into my back but I hardly noticed. Courtney was practically sitting on my lap and the hand that I didn't have wrapped in her hair, I had at her waist. My fingers brushed the skin underneath the edge of her T-shirt and my heart felt like it was going to explode.

But my brain was catching up with me. I knew we had to stop, this wasn't right. She wasn't thinking clearly. I wasn't thinking clearly.

"Courtney, I-" I breathed out, but she continued to kiss me fervently. I forced myself to try again.

"Wait Courtney, stop."

Courtney yanked herself off of me, and brought a shaky hand up to her lips.

"Oh god, what did I just do," She said, seemingly shocked at her own actions. She stood up quickly from the couch putting as much distance as she could between us. She brought her hands up to either side of her head, clearly freaking out about what had just happened.

"I'm so so sorry Shayne."

Still slightly out of breath I stood up too, "Courtney wait, let's talk about this." I moved towards her but she took a step back and I stopped immediately.

"It's ok," I said, calmly, "Look at me Court, its ok."

But she shook her head and closed her eyes as if in pain.

"Shayne, I think you should probably go."

"But Court-"

"Just go, Shayne." She interrupted me, before adding in a softer voice, "Please."

I hesitated and then nodded, giving in. I quickly pulled on my boots and walked back around the couch towards the door. I spared her one last look before opening the door to her apartment and walking out into the hallway.

Ted was right. Nothing good ever happened after 2 AM.

A/N: Alright guys, how are we all doing?

I wanted to thank you all for sticking with me through this story. I appreciate every single one of your reads, votes, and comments!

When I started writing this story, I always planned on having a big turning point happen right before Shayne's trip to Japan. So, I guess you could say that this story has been leading up to this moment. It's been a Lonnnnnnnng ride, but here we are. Things are about to shift in a big way. Hold on to your hats my friends.

Love, Kaitlyn

P.s. I'm about to throw you right back into the deep end so remember I love you all! lol

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