Chapter 8: Gon's attempt to ignore

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(Gon's p.o.v)

I woke up in pain and I couldn't find why, I did everything, I took medicine to see if it was a headache, I tried using the bathroom to see if it was my stomach, I even checked my body for bruises. Each time I found that I was perfectly fine, so then where was this pain coming from?

I decided I would ignore it and went down to the cafeteria for breakfast, when I walked in I saw Killua sitting by himself, he looked up at me and then looked right back down at his tray. I realized that once I saw him the pain went away and I thought, am I in pain because Killua's not with me?

I guess I was going to be in pain today then, I just can't face him after what happened yesterday: "Pity I wanted to die...."

His words just played over and over in my mind, it was kind of like a broken stereo that just played the same part of a song. I needed something to focus on something besides Killua so I went over to Kurapika and Leorio and sat with them.

I sighed and waved weakly, "Hey guys." Leorio laughed, "Military life not doing you so well, huh Gon?" it wasn't that at all more like relationship problems but they don't have to know that, "Yeah. I can't stand getting up so early."

Kurapika chuckled and patted my back, "It only gets worse from here, wanna know how early lieutenants get up?"

"Oh jeez, I bet it's terrifying."

"It sure is, 4:30 sharp." my eyes widen and my mouth dropped, "Goodness! I guess I'm never becoming a lieutenant. I don't know how you do it Kurapika." he just shrugged, I couldn't help but look at Killua a couple of times.

"What's wrong Gon, assassin caught your tongue?" Leorio joked causing Kurapika to laugh, "That's not funny guys." I frowned and they stopped laughing and got serious, "And why isn't it? You do know that he's a horrible person right?" Kurapika said, "No he's not!"

"Gon, that kid has killed over one million people and he's only fifteen. He's also stolen over two million valuable weapons, committed over one point five billion crimes and you say he's not a horrible person?" Leorio snarled out and Kurapika nodded, I slammed my hands on the table to their surprise,

"I don't care! He's not like that! You...You've haven't even spoken to him for five seconds but your fully certain that he's horrible! I can't believe you two, why don't you just give him a chance?" I ran out of the cafeteria as fast as my legs could carry me.

I don't think I can take this anymore.

(Killua's p.o.v)

What the hell? Who was Gon talking about? And why was he so upset over it? I got up and walked over to the two idiots Gon was talking too, "Oi blonde and guy-dude-man,"

"My name is Leorio!" I rolled my eyes, "Yeah yeah whatever, what's up with Gon? Why was he so upset?"

They both sighed simultaneously which kinda freaked me out, "Go ask him because to be honest I don't understand his reasoning." Kurapika finally said after the longest sigh I've ever heard.

"Thanks for nothing idiots." Leorio threw his tray at me but I dodged it as I walked away, "Your the idiot!" he yelled, I just waved it off and kept walking.

I had absolutely no clue where Gon could be so I tried the most obvious place first, I checked the bunks and he was nowhere to be found, I check my room and he wasn't there either, man where the hell is this kid?!

I decided to take a break and go look at the rising sun outside near the water, when I was a couple of steps away from the huge rock that lets you look out over the ocean I heard someone crying.

When I took those steps towards the rock I saw Gon hugging his knees looking at the ocean, "Oi Gon." the boy jumped slightly and looked back at me tears staining his cheeks, I sat next to him, "What's wrong?"

Gon turned away from me and looked out at the ocean, I quickly figured out what he was doing, "Ahh so your ignoring me huh? That's not very nice Gon." I got no response so I looked at the ocean as well.

Gon hugged his knees tighter and I looked back at him, "Gon...Please, what's wrong?"

"They... . They were calling you a horrible person..." my eyes widen as I stared at him, so that person he was talking about was...Me?

I sighed, "Because Gon I am a horrible person, I'm the most wanted person in the world besides my father. I've killed more than all my siblings combined, which is quite a lot." he looked at me more tears rolling down his face, "Don't say that! I-I was mad at you this morning, because of what you said yesterday...About wanting to die..." I listened as he talked, feeling more and more guilty for putting such a burden on him.

"I woke up this morning with a pain in my heart, I did everything but I couldn't find out where it was coming from. Then I saw you in the cafeteria and the pain went away, once Kurapika and Leorio started talking about you the pain returned and I snapped on them." I pulled him into a hug,

"Please don't cry over me Gon."

"K-Killua I....I want to make this official," I pulled away from the hug and looked into his golden brown eyes, "What do you mean?" he blushed, "I mean...I want you to be my boyfriend." I was about to say something but he cut me off,

"I know we've only known each other for a short while but, I'm starting to feel like...I need you with me, after I stayed in your room that day I can't sleep on my own. When your not around I can't help but feel empty, so please Killua...Please be my boyfriend."

I was speechless, I thought no one would ever say those words to me, not with who I am. I'm apart of the Zoldyck family, everyone hates us but yet....."Of course I will Gon." I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned in for a kiss.

We've kissed before but this was different, it had way more emotion and passion, the way our lips moved against each other felt amazing and I didn't want to let go but I was running out of breath. Gon pulled away and hugged me, "I love you Killua."

"I love you too Gon."

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