Chapter 15: Attempt to take by force

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It has been a couple of days since Killua had been put back in a jail cell, it's like everyone forgot everything he did for them before the attack. The boy honestly had no idea his brother and father would go this far, they hadn't done it normally so why would they now?

As he was sitting Killua felt a familiar presence and looked over towards the wall, and just like he thought, there stood his brother.

"Hey Kil, looks like you got yourself in a bind here." Illumi said taking a couple steps forward, he had his hands in the pockets of his fancy suit, the same suit he wore when Killua got captured that night.

"What do you want Illumi?" Kil said rather coldly but Illumi just shrugged it off, "Don't cha wanna get outta here? Or is that military uniform too comfortable?" his brother said looking at his clothes.

Killua forgot he was wearing these, he quickly threw off the jacket and the shirt, "There you happy?" he asked sarcastically, "No, not really." his brother replied, "And I won't be til you come home, ma won't get off my back cause ya know, you were always her favorite." Illumi said with another shrug.

Killua rolled his eyes, knowing that his brother wasn't lying, "So ya want me to come with you and go back to killin', robbin', muggin'? Nah, I'm good." he said resting his bare back on the cold brick wall behind him.

"This stuff is in your blood Kil, look you were talkin' like a normal person. But now a few seconds with me and your already back to usin' slang." Illumi stated, Kil hadn't realized he done that. Dammit...

"Heh, what did I tell ya. Your a gangster at heart and ya always will be. Ya can't change that, so c'mon ya gotta get back to your family cause these guys are damaging you Kil."

"Oh yeah?! If 'damaging me' is actually givin' a shit bout me, worryin' bout my health when I'm sick, or even takin' the time to help me! Then I'd rather be damaged than go with you." Killua said, at this point the boy was standing and he was right in front of Illumi, face to face.

"Guess your gonna hate me then," Illumi said, Killua knew what was about to happen but he didn't have enough time to stop it. Illumi chopped him in the back of his neck, "Don't think of it as a punishment Kil, Alluka really misses you."

The boy fell limp, before hitting the ground Illumi caught him and carried him, he kicked open the cell door with ease. Causing the alarm to go off, a couple of guards ran in and their eyes widen. Illumi only smiled and pushed then all to the side.

He managed to get past all the guards on the bottom floor so he decided to push his luck and went up the stairs towards the main entrance. There stood a whole swat of military soldiers blocking the entrance except these bunch weren't surprised, well all of them except a short teenage boy with spiky black and green hair.

Killua started slipping on his brothers back so Illumi put him down for a brief moment, "Ah what a welcome party! Did you do all this for me?!" Illumi laughed, Gon wanted to run over a beat the shit out of him. He knew he couldn't until Bisky gave the order, but being the type of boy he is, he didn't listen.

Gon ran out and attacked Illumi, landing one solid punch on his jaw, the twenty-four year old stumbled back slightly then looked at the boy, "Is there a problem?" Illumi asked raising a brow, Gon gritted his teeth in response.

"Yeah damn right there's a problem! What are you doing?! And what did you do to Killua?!"

Illumi just laughed which ticked Gon off even further, "Don't worry 'bout him, he'll be fine. It's yourself ya gotta worry 'bout now." Gon yelped as Illumi grabbed his collar with a firm grip, he couldn't get out! Gon was stuck in his grasp, it was like he had a grip of metal.

Illumi wasted no time and began punching, and punching and punching.

It got to the point where he started to wonder what the hell the other soldiers were doing, it was actually pretty weird, those assholes were just standing there as their youngest member was literally getting beaten to a pulp. Illumi was about to punch the teen with the bloody, bruised up face, but then he stopped mid punch and looked at every single soldier.

"Are you just gonna keep standing there and watch this?? Imma part of a gang and even I don't watch my members get beat up." he said, still no one moved. Illumi kinda felt bad for Gon, but he couldn't not beat him up or he'd get in the way. So he punched him once more.

This time only once assuming after that he would've had enough, Gon went flying across the room and straight into a wall, a loud crash was heard and Illumi flinched, "Ooooh ya know that hurt." but yet and still Gon slowly but steadily rose to his feet and limped back towards Illumi.

He threw a weak punch that landed on Illumi's chest, but it did nothing since he had no strength to put force behind it. Illumi just shook his head and raised his hand then-


Illumi was sent him flying into the same wall Gon had, "Sorry, had to catch a couple 'Z's before the fight. Wish you guys woulda woke me up tho." Killua said acting as if Illumi hadn't knocked him out.

"C'mon Kil, we already talked about this." Illumi said rubbing his incredibly sore jaw as he stood, "Yeah we did, and I was fine with it. I knew I had no choice really. Until, you hurt Gon." Killua started cracking his knuckles one by one, Illumi sighed.

"Look you can beat me up later, now isn't the time. In case you haven't noticed numbskull, there's thousands of soldiers over there!"

"Oh I noticed, I just don't care."

((A/N CLIFFHANGER!!!! Also I'm not very good at righting hand to hand combat so I hope that was good enough, anyways bai guys cya in the next chapter!!!!))

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