Chapter 9: Mission alone

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(a week after the boys started dating)

Leorio busted down the door carrying Killua in his arms, the boy was bleeding heavily and he was unconscious, "GON!" Kurapika yelled running into the building following Leorio, "GON!" he repeated, the two ran past people and there were gasps as they laid their eyes upon Killua.

Leorio heard a group of people whisper: "Oh no. Gon will be so angry with himself." for the time being the doctor ignored them and kept looking for the spiky haired boy named Gon.

Kurapika saw Bisky and ran over to her, "Bisky where's Gon?!" she looked at Kurapika then at Leorio and her eyes widen when she looked at Killua, "U-upstairs." Bisky stuttered out and the boys ran towards the stairway.

"GON!" they called, Gon walked out of his room, "Wha-...." he was frozen with fear as he looked at Killua's unconscious body, he ran over to them and examined his boyfriend, "Killua! What the hell happened?!" tears ran down Gon's face and he looked back and forth anxiously between the two and Killua.

"He...He took the bullet for me..." Kurapika said looking at the floor, Leorio had placed Killua on the floor and Gon sat on his knees and hugged the boy, "Please Killua...P-please don't leave me here alone." Gon cried into his lovers chest, leaving the two other soldiers standing in guilt.


"Oi Gon! Wake up wake up wake up!" Killua yelled shaking him awake, Gon laughed and sat up rubbing his eyes, "Yes what is it darling?" Killua blushed, "H-hey!" Gon laughed once again, "A-anyway- guess what!" the spiky haired boy rubbed his chin pretending to think, "Hmm what?"

"Miss general lady wants me to go on a mission! Were supposed to go to Yorknew or something to take out these rogue soldiers!" Gon wasn't sure if he was happy or sad, he didn't want Killua to leave but he was also glad people finally started treating him as part of the team.

"O-oh...That's great Kil." Killua nodded and smiled, "I'll go to then. I just have to ask-"

"Nah it's okay babe don't worry bout it, I'm Killua the great I got this." Gon laughed but also blushed at the 'babe' part, "Okay but if I find out it's dangerous I'm going to!" the boy sighed but nodded once again,

"Okay I can accept that." Gon smiled and hugged his boyfriend, "Oi Gon, let's go get some food. My stomach is louder than a lion." he laughed and stood, "Okay sure lion boy." Killua laughed then growled, they both laughed as they walked out of Kil's room.

-later before the mission-

"Leorio, Kurapika. Do me a favor." they both looked at him, "Yeah sure what is it Gon?" Leorio asked, "Please protect Killua. Bisky said because I just went on a mission I can't go again, so I need you to make sure he comes back the same way he left." they both nodded, "Don't worry buddy we'll protect him."

The two boys walked off towards the buses, they waited for Killua to get on, "Oi remember I love you." he said kissing Gon, "I know, and I love you too so stay safe." Killua smiled and saluted Gon before running off towards the buses,

(Killua's p.o.v)

Everyone made fun of me but in a chill way, "Aaaww how cute! Had to kiss your boyfriend goodbye!" they laughed and I chuckled, "Oh shut up." a couple of them pushed me around gently as I walked towards the back of the bus.

I sat next to Kurapika and looked out the window, "Make sure you try your hardest out there, these guys are heavily packed in members." I heard him whisper, "Good, that's just the way I like it."

I fell asleep for most of the ride but when we got there Leorio shook me awake, "Come on we gotta go before were spotted!" I quickly stood up and ran out the bus, following the two, I figured I should protect them or Gon would be pretty sad.

I took cover behind a rock, Kurapika and Leorio took cover in front of me behind a broken down car, I spotted a rogue soldier and shot them down quickly, that's when they found our locations.

"Dammit." I whispered, I looked around again and saw a bunch of them surrounding us from all sides, I shot one, then two, then three, and four, and five. It was around this time that I started wondering what the hell were Kurapika and Leorio good for?

I shot everyone behind me and turned around, I saw someone creeping up on Kurapika as he was busy shooting down soldiers in front of him, the soldier got closer until he was in range then he aimed his gun at the lieutenant.

"KURAPIKA LOOK OUT!" he turned around and saw the guy aiming at him but before he could react the gun fire let loose, I jumped in the way and was hit instead. I gritted my teeth and fell to the floor.

"Killua!" Leorio kneeled next to me and Kurapika shot the rest of the guys surrounding us, "Hey buddy c'mon breath! We can't have you dying on us! We promised Gon we would protect you so breath!" Leorio pushed on my chest constantly, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Everything around me drifted to black, as I was fading into unconsciousness the only thing I could think about was Gon and how sad I would leave him, I'm sorry Gon....

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